Class-7 Course Planning
Round Robin Take turns answering the following questions: –How do think 2030 will be? –Be as creative as possible. –Use only the future tense.
View the Video by Dr. Michio Kaku "Physics of the Future: How Science Will Change Daily Life” TA6bk TA6bk
What are the elements of a course plan? Goals Materials Methods
What is a goal? Why set goals? What are the general principles in goal setting in the language class? How do you relate “setting goals” and “choosing / using a textbook”?
Four categories of goals Building language knowledge –Involves learning vocabulary, grammar & culture Building language skills –Ability to use language to listen, speak, read, and write Building language learning –Helps learners learn how to be better langauge learners Building motivation –Involves building interest in langauge learning
Goals for your classes Pair share- –Write down the goals you must pursue in your English courses at school? –Turn to your neighbor on your left and share your goals. Are they similar? Different? How?
Circle the Sage What is the perfect textbook? Textbook of the future... epaXohttp:// epaXo
Numbered Heads Together What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a textbook?
Textbook Analysis Take a look at these textbooks. Use the check-list to analyse them.
Cooperative Learning Structures dr_spencer_kagan/ dr_spencer_kagan/