URBAN ENVIRONMENTS – PART 1 UNIT 3 - Urban Populations
Urbanization There are 2 main types of settlements: Rural Settlement: dwellings that simply provide housing for farm workers. No services provided. Urban Settlement: area of habitation that provides services to surrounding countryside
Urbanization As soon as rural settlements begin to have services (shops, manufacturing) then they become urban settlements
‘Urban’ Different definitions are used around the world. Makes international comparisons difficult Australia – settlements more than 1,000 India – settlements more than 5,000
Urban Growth vs. Urbanization Urban Growth 1. the increase in a size of a particular place 2. increase of the number of people living in urban centers
Urban Growth vs. Urbanization Urbanization: 1. the increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas. (process) 2. the proportion of people living in urban areas at a given time. (level)
Early Urbanization First cities appear approx. 6,000 years ago in Middle East Prerequisites: Agricultural surplus Favorable bio-physical environment Positive population growth Defense Trade Organized religion
Early Urbanization Ancient city growth limited because farmers didn’t produce enough of a surplus Artisans in towns develop tools for farmers Professional associations (guilds) form Guilds live in their own part of the city Markets become larger and organized around city center
Early Urbanization Wealth obtained in cities leaves them open to attack Cities build walls and castles for defense Once safe, inward movement occurs, focus on education Trade cities become scholar cities Industrial Revolution 17 – 1800s Focus on mass production, factories, colonies = HUGE SURPLUS OF GOODS.
Early Urbanization Other parts of the world establish ports on the coast. Africa is least urbanized but urbanization is the most rapid (more than Asia)
Urbanization in LEDCs Sprawl: expand horizontally over great distances Rural-Urban Migration: people move to cities from rural areas after considering push and pull factors Chain Migration: step by step movement, village to small town to large town to city
Rural-Urban Migration Typical migrant: young, single, male, in search of wealth Circular Migration: migrants who return home and back to the city many times Migrants have little urban environment skills, lack literacy No money, have trouble finding housing
Consequences of Urbanization in LEDCs Shanty Housing: self-help housing of scrap material Squatters: people who do not own or have legal title to the land they live on Most common in outskirts of cities where ‘free’ land is Some shanties removed, others helped out
Consequences of Urbanization in LEDCs Population structures are skewed because influx of males Today, common for wives to later follow their husbands to cities Crime, begging, work in informal (illegal/’immoral’) sector
Primate Cities Large cities in LEDCs are primate They dominate urban networks Political, economic, social and cultural focus of their country Has at least 5x the population of second largest city Foreign investors place their money here