1 Team Dynamics Son Dang Dan Huynh How to form teams Common problems and solutions Brainstorming tips Team activity: Build the highest tower of plastic cups Each team gets 15 cups Must be strong enough to support a full water bottle at the top You form your own teams (2 to 7 members) 15 minutes to brainstorm and build No other materials
2 Team Dynamics: Forming Teams Interests Make sure everyone’s interests are aligned. However, different backgrounds good. Size Depends on the goals you want to achieve. Odd number of members preferred. 5 or 7 members is a good size for most projects. Friends are not always the best teammates.
3 Team Dynamics: Common Problems Groupthink "A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.” Irving Janis, researcher who developed this theory Solutions: Examine all alternatives. Invite outsiders into the group. Higher ups shouldn't express opinions at the beginning. Assign someone to question every big decision. Have an open atmosphere. The last 3 are things you should focus on as a leader of the group.
4 Team Dynamics: Common Problems Indecision Opposite of groupthink Group cannot come to a consensus because everyone has an expressed opinion about what to do Solutions: Take a vote. This is why odd numbers are preferred. Don't dwell on an issue.
5 Team Dynamics: Common Problems Social Loafing People tend to exhibit less effort in a larger group. The productivity of the whole group isn't equal to the sum of the productivity of the individuals. Causes: Belief that if you don't do it, someone else will. You see other not working so you justify your inaction. Solutions: Keep the group size small. Make individual effort identifiable and recognize it.
6 Team Dynamics: Brainstorming Seven Tips for Brainstorming 1) Defer judgment 2) Encourage wild ideas 3) Build on the ideas of others 4) Stay focused on the topic 5) One conversation at a time 6) Be visual 7) Go for quantity
7 Team Dynamics Team activity: Build the highest tower of plastic cups Each team gets 20 cups Must be strong enough to support a full water bottle at the top You form your own teams (2 to 7 members) 15 minutes to brainstorm and build No other materials