KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/121 NB: focus on latest developments, see February presentation in Catania for details KM3NeT meeting Erlangen, 22-23.


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Presentation transcript:

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/121 NB: focus on latest developments, see February presentation in Catania for details KM3NeT meeting Erlangen, June 2012 Claude Vallée for the CPPM group STATUS, PLANS and COSTS of the KM3NeT-Toulon INFRASTRUCTURE

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/122 Shore station extension designed, submitted to La Seyne city administration. Electrical Power components delivered. Construction/equipment next Autumn Systematic sites characterisation with autonomous lines started in March → site decision early autumn Preferred site Preliminary insight: far site not better than others Preliminary 50cm survey by IFREMER, shows flat and very clean topography.

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/123JJD Catane 20/02/2012

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/124JJD Catane 20/02/2012 Tendering for MEOC procurement and (MEOC+node) deployment completed. Last discussions ongoing with ALCATEL and France Telecom Marine. Order to be placed before 22/08/12

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/125JJD Catane 20/02/ V, 44 KW 3100 V, 38 KW 26 KW 25 KW 13 KW 12 KW Tendering for MEOC procurement and (MEOC+node) deployment completed. Last discussions ongoing with ALCATEL and France Telecom Marine. Order to be placed before 22/08/12 Power transport optimized in consulation with external company Checked at full load with simulation of final components 12 KW effective per node, 9 KW for DUs 500W / user port

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/126 Dimensioned to max 36 string DUs (720 DOMs) Connectivity to be updated for strings (presently: 2 strings / user port) Position of AC/DC (on node or DU anchor) in discussion. Updated node architecture

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/127 Internal node architecture Transformer ( 5000VAC/230VAC ) Switchs Instrumentation MEOC from shore Link to next node Electrical link (power + ctrl/cmd) Electrode Manifold 2 9 user ports Manifold 1 9 user ports Optical link (DU + infra) ADCP Acoustic transceiver Battery air oil AC/DCs (230VAC/400VDC) DU optical network Infra. control/command Breakers Instrumentation Titanium sphere Pressure resistant Titanium container Equipressure oil

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/128 Internal node architecture Transformer ( 5000VAC/230VAC ) Switchs Instrumentation MEOC from shore Link to next node Electrical link (power + ctrl/cmd) Electrode Manifold 2 9 user ports Manifold 1 9 user ports Optical link (DU + infra) ADCP Acoustic transceiver Battery air oil AC/DCs (230VAC/400VDC) DU optical network Infra. control/command Breakers Instrumentation Titanium sphere Pressure resistant Titanium container Equipressure oil 3 Titanium spheres ordered Power components delivered, successfully tested in equipressure at IFREMER-Brest Working on strengthening expertise on Optical Network

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/129 Mockup for node deployment tests Equipressure test in Brest Power components of the node: Transformer HT/BT and AC/DC Some views of Toulon Node components

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/1210 SEA OPERATIONS New contracts with service providers made to diversify opportunities France Telecom Marine: Raymond Croze for MEOC and node deployment FOSELEV: CASTOR for DU deployment IXSURVEY: GG9 for light deployments IFREMER: ROV VICTOR6000 for heavy undersea operations COMEX: ROV APACHE for light deep operations and connections ( m) IFREMER: Ongoing discussions for participation to the new light HROV ( m, ≥ 2014)

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/1211 TOULON SEABED COSTS 700 K€ for installed additional node Significant parts already bought Most of rest based on tenders

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/1212 Time constraint of the CNRS-EU FEDER funds TOULON SEABED SCHEDULE Deadline for MEOC order: 22 August

KM3NeT-Toulon Infrastructure 22/06/1213 SUMMARY and OUTLOOK Design of the Toulon seabed is on schedule and construction+deployment are ready to start. Components and procedures are extrapolated from the experience gained on ANTARES and are well defined. Main open points are finalisation of optical components, adaptation of connectivity to strings and location of AC/DC’s. The seabed is presently financed for max 36 string DUs (1 node). Extension can be made at a moderate cost (700 K€ for 1 additional node → 36 more strings). Critical decision for MEOC order has to be made before 22 August. This necessitates a well defined KM3NeT agreement !