LUXURY YACHT INSURANCE John Theed Sturge Taylor & Associates Sturge International Services 31 st May 2012
What is a luxury yacht
Size of the Market – 4, Metres
Under Construction – Metres
HULL INSURANCE Named Perils Policy Institute Yacht Clauses Institute Time Clauses “All Risks” Policy American Yacht Form R12
ITEMS COVERED: 1)Hull and Materials, General Contents, Engines and Machinery and everything connected therewith, nothing excluded. This includes: Tenders, Outboards, Windsurfers, Personal Watercraft, Diving Gear and other Water Sports Equipment. 2) Personal Effects including Ship’s Cash
DEDUCTIBLE: Hull and Machinery etc EUR except Total Loss which payable in full. Diving Gear, EUR 200 or 0.50% except total loss of an Fixtures & Fittings, of the amount individual item which payable General Contents, claimed in full. Outboards, Personal Effects, Personal Watercraft, Ship’s Cash, Tenders, Windsurfers Electronic, Communications EUR 4,000 except total loss of an and Navigation Equipment individual item which payable in full. War Risks Nil
SPECIFIC COVERAGES Accidental loss and/or damage. Failure in the working mechanism of machinery or motor generators or other electrical machinery and their connections which causes the same to cease functioning or to function improperly. Negligence and Latent Defect cover including the cost or repairing / replacing defective parts. Inspection of the bottom of the vessel after grounding, even if no damage be found without application of any deductible. War and Strikes including sabotage, vandalism, terrorism, blocking and trapping. Extended to include piracy.
Protection & Indemnity Risk Minimum limit – Sum Insured for the Yacht American Yacht Form R12 includes Protection & Indemnity Risks ∆ British Marine ∆ Shipowners ∆ Steamship Mutual Limit of Indemnity USD 500,000,000 Greek, Italian, Spanish Liability Certificates required US Crew need to be declared
CREW INSURANCE 24/7 Unnamed Crew No proposal forms Excludes pre-existing conditions
Medical Expenses including repatriation expenses Payable for 24 months from date of illness/injury Dental Expenses following an accident or to alleviate alleviate pain or suffering Scuba Diving Sundry Hospital Expenses Winter Sports Extension
Personal Accident Benefits automatically relate to individual salaries Death & Capital Benefits 3 x salary Continental Scale of Benefits Salary Indemnity Accident 104 weeks Illness 52 weeks