Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 1 Udo Blell GSI, Darmstadt MAC – 7 April 2 th - 3 th, 2012 FZ - Jülich SIS 100 Injection / Extraction systems
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 2 Outline 1.Components Overview fast kicker magnets Electrostatic extraction septum Transverse feedback system 2.Status of the work packages 3.Milestones 4.Human resource planning SIS 100 Injection / Extraction
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 3 Main components – kicker unit Electronics HV - transformer Energy storage Magnet HV - switch Required parameters for FAIR Magnet type Window frame Maximum voltage 70 kV System impedance 5.7 Ohm Magnet current 6140 A Minimum rise time 150 ns Pulse length µs Pulse power 215 MW
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 4 SIS 100 Fast Kickers - Overview Basic data of the kickers in SIS 100 SIS 100Type Direction of kick #Units #Coil windings Deflection field Rise time Pulse length InjectionunipolarH mT150 ns variable TransferunipolarV mT740 ns constant Extraction / Emergency bipolarV mT740 ns constant Q-kickerunipolar 45 deg. skew mT740 ns variable Sum 16 (21)
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 5 HV - transformer HV - switch Kicker magnet SIS 100 Kicker Unit - Monopolar
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 6 Advantages Double Funktion Minimum Ferrit Low Cost Bipolar Kicker Unit – Design Switch S1 On Switch S2 Off Switch S2 On Switch S1 Off Magnet Current
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 7 Emerg. / Extrac. magnet Integration into Extraction Section Emergency / Extraction kicker
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 8 SIS 100 Electrostatic Septum HV – power supply Vacuum chamber Main components NEG modules
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 9 SIS 100 Electrostatic Septum Main parameters of the electrostatic extraction septa SIS18SIS100 Max. electrical rigidity3 GVm30 GVm Deflection angle4.0 mrad1.3 mrad Maximum voltage160 kV170 kV Horizontal aperture2.0 cm Max. field strength80 kV / cm85 kV / cm Cathode length1.5 m2 * 2.3 m Wire W / Rh100 µm20 µm NEG modulesnoyes
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 10 Transverse feedback system Main components transverse feedback system SIS 100 RF – power 2 * 500 W Variable delay 1 µs – 9 µs Bandwith 10 kHz – 40 MHz
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 11 SIS 100 Injection / Extraction Injection – Extraction Components Provided as „German In-Kind“ are (to be confirmed): Extraction kicker Injection kicker Electrostatic septum Interfaces: Integration into the SIS 100 DMU Integration of the control electronics and software Not yet assigned in the FAIR project are: Transverse feedback system Q – kicker
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 12 SIS 100 Injection / Extraction Status of the work packages –R & D for bipolar kicker not yet fully completed. –Parameters of the devices defined. –Mechanical engineering model of the kicker magnets completed. –Pulsed power generator integrated in the supply tunnel planning. –Integration of injection and extraction in the SIS 100 tunnel approved. –Detailed technical specifications started. –Schedule for commissioning defined.
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 13 SIS 100 Injection / Extraction The following time tables reflects the current planning for the emergency / extraction kicker TopicMilestone Tendering processBegin 2013 Pre – series acceptedEnd 2014 Series production completedBegin 2016 Component accepted without beamEnd 2016 and injection and Q - kicker TopicMilestone Tendering processMid Production completedBegin 2016 Component accepted without beamMid. 2016
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 14 SIS 100 Injection / Extraction The following time tables reflects the current planning for the electrostatic septum and transverse feedback system TopicMilestone Tendering processBegin 2015 Production completedMid Component accepted without beamBegin 2017
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 15 SIS 100 Injection / Extraction Human resource planning Project phase # FTE‘s Time R&D Engineers Specifications Engineers Tenders Administrator Follow up Engineers Acception test Engineers Commissioning - without beam Engineers - with beam Engineers FTE’s: Available 2 and 1 to be hired
Udo Blell - Synchrotrons 16 SIS 100 Injection / Extraction Project risks One supplier for thyratrons Few suppliers for pulsed power technics What's next? Completion of the specifications to be ready for tendering Thank you for your attention.