Click screen to continue Characteristics of Living Things There are seven important characteristics common to all living things. Use the mnemonic ‘Mrs Gren’ to remember these characteristics: Movement Respiration Sensitivity Growth Reproduction Energy Nutrition Click screen to continue
Movement Although plants cannot move themselves from one place to another, their roots may grow towards water and their leaves may turn towards the sun. Chickens are able to strut about, moving their whole bodies from place to place. Respiration This is the release of energy from food. It is essential to all living things and happens in all living cells. Plants and animals use oxygen to release energy from food. Sensitivity Living things can sense and respond to changes in the environment. Animals respond quickly by moving, while plants usually respond slowly by growing.
Growth Plants grow all their lives, although chicks stop growing once they become adults. Reproduction Some organisms can reproduce on their own without needing both a male and female, whereas hens need to be fertilized by a male to produce fertile eggs. Energy Both plants and chicks need energy to grow, to move and to repair parts and they get this from their food. Nutrition All living things need food. It provides energy and other essential substances e.g. proteins for growth and carbohydrates for energy. Plants make their food using energy from light while animals feed on other living things. Chicks eat plants and other animals e.g. worms and insects, then break down the complex chemicals in the food into simpler substances.
MRS GREN Now test your memory and summarise ovement espiration ensitivity MRS GREN rowth eproduction nergy utrition