Understanding Primary Music Self-study materials: Overcoming barriers to learning
Learning objectives: 1. Reflect on effective pedagogies for supporting children in their music development to facilitate planning and assessment of appropriate musical experiences. 2. Interpret the National Curriculum requirements for music learning in the classroom and explore progression in the development of the elements of music. 3. To develop strategies for supporting the musical development of children with additional needs
The current national context Teachers and other staff in schools and colleges will be trained and confident to: identify and overcome a range of barriers to learning; manage challenging behaviour; address bullying; deliver effective teaching leading to better outcomes; and intervene early when problems emerge; Teachers will feel able to identify effectively what a child needs to help them to learn and to plan support to help every child progress well… DfE, 20012: 36
Music for children with additional needs: Whitefields school and centre Reflect on: Music as a means of supporting development Music as a means of non-verbal communication Assessment of music making for children with PMLD wider-good-practice-case-study-whitefield-schools-and-centre
Facilitating individualised learning 1. having high expectations of all children 2. building on the knowledge, interests and aptitudes of every child 3. involving children in their own learning through shared objectives and feedback (assessment for learning) 4. helping children to become confident learners 5. enabling children to develop the skills they will need beyond school. DfES, 2004: 55
The principles of learning and teaching underpinning personalised learning Good learning and teaching should: 1. set high expectations and give every learner confidence they can succeed 2. establish what learners already know and build on it 3. structure and pace the learning experience to make it challenging and enjoyable 4. inspire learning through passion for the subject 5. make individuals active partners in their learning 6. develop learning skills and personal qualities. DfES, 2004: 55-56
Key principles Facilitating achievement of success and increased confidence through: - scaffolding the learning process - removing barriers to learning Building on what learners already know and can do, taking into account their interests Make learners active partners in their learning (shared objectives and criteria for success)
Competencies that are important for facilitating learning of children with SEN Understanding of the different types of SEN Knowledge of different approaches that can be used to support musical development Ability to: identify particular barriers to learning modify the physical environment and materials for individual differences modify teaching approaches to meet individual needs evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching approaches being used Adapted from Hammel (2001)
Meeting individual needs: Case study Analyse the information in the two case studies for Gregory (age 8) and identify what are the barriers to learning that may prevent him achieving his potential in music. Use the ideas for adapting approaches and materials for this child to remove any barriers to learning by providing scaffolding to enable the children to achieve success and building on strengths Case studies accessed from: /case_studies/index.htm