learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners A LIFELONG LEARNING SOCIETY Learning to Learn Training What Do We Win? Developed with the support of the EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners At the end of this lesson you will learn… What we benefit from learning How learning makes things different in today’s world
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Learning – What Do We Win? Finish the sentences with as many examples you can think of: Learning languages helps … Learning about technologies helps … Learning new professional skills helps … Learning arts helps … Learning sports helps … No matter what we learn, we always win.
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Learning languages helps travelling, reading, knowing cultures meeting new friends developing new skills getting new jobs …… Travelling…
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Learning about technologies helps: communicate in a free way, be informed, be competitive at work, make friends abroad ………. Make new friends
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Learning new professional skills helps: get better jobs, be promoted, be estimated by colleagues, feel satisfied with your work, be more confident about the future, get more money, enjoy your working time, gives you the pleasure to teach and help others ……. Get more money
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Learning arts helps: realize your creativity and imagination, transform your energy into something positive, find another means of expression, Interact with other people, ……. Find another means of expression
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Learning sports helps: keep our energy and social contacts, be healthy and positive, have better self-esteem, develop team spirit and active lifestyle, be competitive, fair play ……. Have a better self-esteem
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Benefits of the learning Learning steers one’s own career and personal development. It helps us receive higher level of education, be employable and competitive on the labor market. Learning contributes to maintain healthy brain, active ageing and lead a meaningful and productive life. It brings entertainment and enjoyment in life and work. Learning helps people overcome barriers. It has a positive impact on our social contacts, self-confidence, self-esteem and ability to cope. Learning helps people overcome barriers
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Conclusion! No matter if it is a class in computer skills that we need to keep our job or a dancing activity for fun, people should continue upgrading their skills and acquiring new abilities. We always win when we learn – a new skill, information, contacts, an experience, an idea or just a positive feeling. What is the last thing you learned? Compliments!
learning to learn network for low skilled senior learners Lesson Learnt Think of the learning activities you have taken part in during your lifetime and the skills and qualities you have achieved in it. Learning is an investment.