Welcome Parents! Ms. Heriveaux Mrs. McGee Mrs. Stewart
Benchmark Assessments Sept 30-Oct 4- Interim Assessment #1 (grades 3-5) Other Important Dates September 6- PTO October 4- Fall Festival October Fall Break
Enrichment Programs ALEKS Study Island Star Reading/Accelerated Reader Guided Reading WeatherBug R & A (Remediation and acceleration) Read 180
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) The Standards are designed to build upon the most advanced current thinking about preparing all students for success in college and their careers.
CRCT Cut Scores GradeCRCT MeetsExceeds 4 th Reading th English/ Language Arts th Math812895
Resources and Supplies We sent out a supply list during open house of what your student will need throughout the year. Although we have some supplies within our classroom, please try to replenish your child’s supplies over the course of the year. (pencils, paper, etc) Some students still do not have the needed materials. Please consider getting these supplies ASAP.
Field Trip We have not finalized our field trip for the year. Due to the economy and gas prices, field trips require a fee, and we will give you ample notice for preparation.
Helping Your Student Succeed 1. Be a good role model. If you sometimes bring work home with you or you're taking a course yourself, your child will learn your habits. Make 'em good! 2. Help your child organize things. For example, the protractor and compass belong in the math binder, sheet music in the violin case. 3. Help him or her organize a quiet space to complete their assignments. 4. Help your child organize time. Establish a routine for completing schoolwork. It doesn't have to be the minute your child walks in the door; just agree on a set time and stick to it. 5. Minimize distractions. Thirteen-year-old wisdom notwithstanding, geometric proofs are not better retained when learned concurrently with loud music, "South Park" and a telephone receiver at one ear. 6. Check your child's work, every night. Discuss the importance of education with your child! 7. Insist that sloppy or careless work be redone, but don't correct errors; teachers need to know what students don't know Read more: How to Encourage Good Study Habits in a Child | eHow.com to Encourage Good Study Habits in a Child | eHow.com
Homework When you sign your child’s agenda, please make sure that your child has COMPLETED their homework. Your signature implies that you are in agreement that your child’s work has successfully been completed. Please watch for due dates and know that assignments are due the NEXT day unless there is a due date specified in the agenda. It is your child’s responsibility to write down their homework in the agenda in EACH CLASS!
Transportation If your child is going home a different way than usual, please write a note in the agenda. Agendas aren’t as easily misplaced as notes and are intact all year for documentation. Make sure that if a child is being picked up by someone other than yourself, that their name is on the pick up list located in the office. Be prepared to show I.D.
Dress Code Make sure that on the weeks your child has PE, that they wear (or bring) appropriate footwear for the gym. NO flip flops are to be worn at ANY time on school premises! Shorts/skirts need to be fingertip length or longer. Please monitor your child’s personal hygiene daily. The dress code can be found in your child’s agenda.
School Safety We have been instructed to check student book bags/lunch boxes for safety issues. Please help minimize the chances of your child being in possession of any weapons (including guns, knives, bullets, plastic/toy guns, etc.) If your student is caught with any of the above, the system-wide procedure is a 10 day suspension plus more in-depth consequences. If you have any questions, see Mr. Aikens.