Daniel Bush, DPI School Financial Services WASBO Accounting Conference March 16, 2016
Targeted purpose Outside revenue limit Offsets shared cost Usually “sum-certain,” often prorated Three broad types ◦ Reimbursement ◦ Formula ◦ Grant 3/16/2016 2Categorical Aids
3/16/2016 3Categorical Aids
$368,939,100 in FY 2017 Districts, ind. charters, CESAs, CCDEBs Reimbursement of prior year eligible costs ◦ Salary & benefits of licensed staff ◦ IEP-required specialized transportation ◦ Limited contracting Sum-certain, prorated (est. 26.3% in FY 2016) Paid in 6 installments dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/special-ed/ sped-sap/overview dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/special-ed/ sped-sap/overview Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(b) 3/16/2016 4Categorical Aids
PI-1505-SE Special Education Annual Report ◦ Subset of full PI-1505 Annual Report Fund 27 expenditures by project code ◦ 011: Local aidable ◦ 019: Local non-aidable ◦ 340: IDEA grant roll-up 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids5
$8.5M state + $2.25M IDEA in FY 2017 Districts, ind. charters, CESAs, CCDEBs 70% reimbursement of individual pupil costs over $30,000 after SPED/SAP aid deducted Sum-certain, prorated if necessary Paid in June Cannot receive with Supplemental SPED Aid dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/special-ed/high-cost dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/special-ed/high-cost 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids6 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(bd)
Submit claims for individual students via ‘old’ IDEA Special Education Web Portal 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids7
$1,750,000 in FY 2017 Districts only Formula-based; calculated by DPI Sum-certain, prorated proportionally to eligible costs ($50k min./$150k max.) Paid in June Cannot receive with High Cost SPED Aid dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/special-ed/supplemental dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/special-ed/supplemental 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids8 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(be)
$211,115,500 (est.) in FY 2017 Districts only $150/$250 per pupil (FY16/FY17); calculated by DPI ◦ Uses Line 6 Revenue Limit membership Sum-sufficient ($150 pp is guaranteed) Paid in March ◦ : Delayed payment in July 2016 dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/per-pupil-aid dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/per-pupil-aid 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids9 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(aq)
$109,184,500 + debt svc in FY 2017 Only districts w/ continuing contracts Grant-based, contract w/ DPI to keep K-3 class sizes small & offer other programming dpi.wi.gov/sage dpi.wi.gov/sage This program is transitioning into… 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids10 Authorization: s Appropriation: ss (2)(cu), (cs)
Funded from same pot of funds as SAGE Only districts w/ SAGE contracts on 7/3/15 Replaces SAGE in districts that take it up Focused on closing achievement gaps ◦ Tutoring, teacher coaching, or class size reduction Progress reporting to DPI and your board SAGE & AGR payments are per-pupil: Appropriation ÷ total # of low-income kids in SAGE classes/AGR districts 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids11 Authorization: s Appropriation: ss (2)(cu)
$38,000,000 (est.) in FY 2017 Districts only Allocation based on resident population of children ages 4-20 (school census), amount available this year in Fund For purchase of library materials Paid by May, must be spent by end of June dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/ common-school-fund dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/ common-school-fund 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids12 Authorization: Art. X, ss. 2 & 5, Wis. Constitution; s , Stats.
PI-1505-Census Census Report ◦ Count of district residents ages 4-20 ◦ Can use physical count or mathematical approximation 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids13
$23,954,000 in FY 2017 Districts & independent charters Formula based on number of pupils transported in mileage categories Sum-certain Paid in January ◦ Leftover balance distributed proportionally in June dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/ pupil-transportation-aid dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/ pupil-transportation-aid 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids14 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(cr)
PI-1547 Pupil Transportation Report ◦ and PI-1547-SS for summer Student counts by distance and enrollment categories 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids15
$7,500,000 in FY 2017 Districts only Formula based on per-member Fund 10 transportation expenses; calculated by DPI Sum-certain, prorated (32% in FY 2015 with 1/3 less money) Paid in June 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids16 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(cq)
$17,674,000 in FY 2017 Districts only Formula based on membership and density; calculated by DPI $300 per pupil (aid membership) Sum-certain, prorated if necessary (paid 100% in FY 2016) Paid in September dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/general/ sparsity-aid-program dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/general/ sparsity-aid-program 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids17 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(ae)
$8,589,800 in FY 2017 Districts only Reimbursement of prior year eligible costs Eligibility based on school ELL enrollment Sum-certain, prorated (8.8% in FY 2015) Paid in December dpi.wi.gov/english-learners/ bilingual-bicultural dpi.wi.gov/english-learners/ bilingual-bicultural 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids18 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(cc)
Submit plan of service before school year begins Submit end-of-year report after school year ends 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids19
$8,242,900 in FY 2017 Districts only Reimbursement of prior year costs serving pupils in eligible facilities Sum-certain, prorated if necessary (est % in FY 2016) Paid in June dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/state-tuition dpi.wi.gov/sfs/aid/categorical/state-tuition 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids20 Authorization: s Appropriation: s (2)(cg)
PI-1524-ST Excel-based claim workbook ◦ Eligible costs ◦ Students & days served 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids21
Aid ProgramContactPhone Special Ed/SAP Supplemental SPED High Cost SPED Daniel Per-PupilKaren SAGE/Achievement Gap Reduction Sharon Common School Fund Pupil Transportation High Cost Transportation Bruce SparsityErin Bilingual-BiculturalTolu State TuitionDaniel 3/16/2016 Categorical Aids22