Oil, Energy and the Future Quick Quiz 1)Why is oil such a useful resource? 2)What are the problems with using oil? 3)What can we use instead?
Task Order the cards and use them to help you answer the questions.
Carbon dioxide Cycling In a normal closed loop ecosystem, the following happens: Plants grow faster to mop up extra CO2 Level of CO2 in air What is this an example of?
Carbon dioxide Cycling In a linear system, we produce too much more CO2 Plants grow faster to mop up extra CO2 Level of CO2 in air New, higher level of CO2 in air
Hidden uses of oil Think – Pair – Share How is oil used in farming (indirectly or directly).
1)Making pesticides/herbicides/ fertilisers 2)Processing food. 3)Ploughing and planting crops. 4)Distributing products. Task : Describe what is would be like farming without oil. What is the problem with this?
Biofuels What is this image trying to show?
Biofuel – complete the following using the information to help you. A biofuel is ………………. We can use biofuels for ………………… Biofuels are good because …………………. Biofuels are bad because.
Demo – burning alcohol What can you say about the combustion of alcohol compared to diesel? Where does Alcohol come from? Is it easy to make?
Industrial Closed Loop Systems More and more, companies are trying to avoid Take-Make-Dump, largely because of new legislation. Made of recyclable materials
Cradle to Cradle manufacturing: wold products can be taken apart and the bits used to make new ones. Production – recovery – remanufacturing : companies are responsible for removing rented property (cars, washing machines etc) and they then use the “nutrients” for new products.