Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering
Questions ✔ How we make a search ? ✔ What we are looking for ? Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 2
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Problems and aims in bibliographic search Localize (pick up an information) Evaluation Effective use (use it in the best way) 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 3
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Option 1(traditional) : we are looking for a book or a magazine: Catalogue The Library of Alexandria Catalogue is not a database: from catalogue you may know if a book exist, in which library you may found it, and if it is in digital format (access via link) SBN ACNP © Zucconi 2014
03/06/2016Pagina 5 Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Option 2 (the new one !): we consult a bibliographic database © Zucconi 2014
03/06/2016Pagina 6 Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering What a database contains : -journal article -essay or conference’s contribution -e-book (book in digital format) - imagine © Zucconi 2014
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Database records are not visible via Internet. They are indexed and managed by a publisher Difference between two options: -search via database -free search on Internet (Google, search engines, Wikipedia etc.*) * sometime, very useful… 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 7
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Open access access-tarantino-10-giugno /06/2016Titolo PresentazionePagina 8
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering How do we search: -by keyword, author, title, source (journal title), affiliation, institution etc., also within the text - Hypertext search Hypertext search (tridimensional) Database with full text, or only citations 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 9
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering We may access via terminal/PC with IP addresses recognized by publisher, or via username and password Since many years University of Roma La Sapienza buy and offer to his students, teachers, researchers and staff a large number of database and also many electronic journals, specialized in different areas of interest 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 10
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering How we access digital resource of La Sapienza: From terminal/PC directly connect to La Sapienza network, or via proxy, using your username and password (your serial number and your ). Information to activate the proxy at link: casa/accedi-da-casa-con-bixy casa/accedi-da-casa-con-bixy 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 11
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 12 La Sapienza make available to all university community a proper Wi-Fi infrastructure : we access Internet and online services by PC from classroom, laboratory, library and all outdoor areas Who may access the service ? Access to the service is strictly personal, and open to student, professor, and administrative staff See also:
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Website of SBS (Sistema bibliotecario d’Ateneo La Sapienza) : Section Electronic Resource : 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 13
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Electronic resource available: - Discovery Sapienza ( internal search engine that address simultaneously our query at the electronic resource in La Sapienza ) Discovery Sapienza - Database Database - Electronic journal Electronic journal 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 14
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering 03/06/2016 © Zucconi 2014 Pagina 15
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Database - Multi-disciplinary : ProQuest ProQuest JSTOR Scopus Scopus (only citations) Web of Knowledge Web of Knowledge Gazzetta ufficiale italiana 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 16
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Database Social-economic area Business Source Premier Thomson Innovation (patents, pw) Thomson Innovation Computer engineering area -INSPECINSPEC -ACM LibraryACM Library -IEEE Xplore - Digital libraryIEEE Xplore - Digital library 03/06/2016 © Zucconi 2014Pagina 17
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Keywords Business management Data envelopment analysis (DEA) Efficiency Productivity Virtual business network Virtual enterprise Global business Global outsourcing strategie 03/06/2016 © Zucconi 2014Pagina 18
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering 03/06/2016 © Zucconi 2014 Pagina 19 Discovery Sapienza
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Business source premier 03/06/2016 © Zucconi 2014 Pagina 20
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 21 Google Scholar
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Electronic journal If we already know the title of the journal we may go directly to link: elettronici/periodici-elettronici And search per the title (even a partial title, even one word) 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 22
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering homepage DIAG Library 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 23
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Work in progress But available with valid and updated information about -service and facility, opening hours, catalogue, news, rule, form -electronic resource, Technical Reports, E-book 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 24
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Journal : List of journals available in electronic format (some of them available only for DIAG department) com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=45 Database : List of the relevant database for our specific area com_content&task=view&id=24&Itemid=36 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 25
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Selection of significant journals for the management area: Data and knowledge engineering European economic review Management science The Economist Financial Times only 1 simultaneous accessFinancial Times with username and password logout 03/06/2016 © Zucconi 2014 Pagina 26
E-books Per publisher (Elsevier, Wiley, SIAM, Springer)ElsevierWiley SIAMSpringer click on the title to access the book*click on the title *link in SBN catalogSBN Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 27
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering Technical Reports DIAG scientific publications available for free (in open access). It’s also allowed to download in PDF 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 28
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering The DIAG Technical Reports are indexed in two important database: IDEAS SOLAR CNR 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 29
Bibliographic database and electronic resource in use for management engineering How we build and customize bibliographic database, using not-free software ( RefWorks ), or free software available on Internet RefWorks erence_management_software erence_management_software 03/06/2016© Zucconi 2014Pagina 30