Nolan Brown and Nimmy Babu Biomass By: Nolan Brown and Nimmy Babu
How does it work?
Parts of the process involve… Wood, wood chippings, sawdust is collected to be burned to create heat Crop residues such as sugarcane and corn cobs and animal waste is collected and burned Solid biomass is used mainly for heating and cooking but also for generating electricity Biomass can then be converted into heat, methane gas, alcohol, ethanol and biodiesel.
Energy Efficiency Ratio 1:7
Where is the resource to be used?
Problems and Ways to Fix Them ProblemsSolutions Some of the ways biomass is used produce high amounts of carbon dioxide. Use biomass in different ways. Replant as many trees as are cut down. Forests in third world countries have been cut down for biomass energy. Give the countries the resources to renew and replant the forests, which they currently don’t have. Fuels made from biomass like ethanol are not any cleaner than fossil fuels No real solution for the problem at this point in time.
Biomass vs. Fossil Fuels (Advantages/Disadvantages) AdvantagesDisadvantages Renewable source of energy No CO 2 emissions if the rate of use of biomass does not exceed the rate at which it is replenished Not too expensive Wood is available in most places Reduces the use of fossil fuels Clean energy Repeated use of plantations causes nutrient depletion of soil, soil erosion and water pollution. Loss of biodiversity caused by clear cutting forests Increased CO 2 emissions if not used sustainably Requires lots of land in order to grow plantations