How to activate the brain (Reticular Activating System – ‘new car syndrome’) The magic number 7 – a tale from Sweden! The value of humour Primacy and recency effect Your natural limits (ACS = age +/- 2 mins) A few things we know about the brain!
What does this mean for learning and memorising? There are different ways to learn We naturally prefer different ways because certain ways work best for us We need to try out different strategies and see which one works best We can, over time, develop our skills to be able to use a variety of strategies
Activity Look at the following list of words and give each one a number rating 1-5 based on how well you know the word. Look at the VKS (Vocabulary Knowledge Scale) below: 1. I don’t remember having seen this word before. 2. I have seen this word before but I don’t know what it means. 3. I have seen this word before and I think it means…. 4. I know this word: it means……. 5. I can use this word in a sentence, e.g………. (ref: Wesche M & Paribakht T.S. (1996) “Assessing second language vocabulary knowledge: depth versus breadth”, The Canadian Modern Language Review 53, 1:28)
Spanish word1-5English word la alfombra el armario la cama las cortinas las estanterías/los estantes el equipo de música la lámpara la mesa el ordenador la pared los pósters la puerta la silla la televisión la ventana Name: _____________________________
3 methods to try! Rings a bell Walking on words Computer is teacher 1.Eliminate words you already know (LCSWC) 2.Take the remaining words and record them (or just say them) over and over, thinking about the meaning as you do so. 3.Keep testing each other, first from Spanish into English and then the more challenging way. 1.One student calls out the Spanish word and another steps onto the correct word, repeats it and says what the English is. 2.Once all these are known from Spanish to English, students turn the sheets over and try again with only first letter prompt. As they step onto the card they have to say the correct word. 1.Look at list and eliminate words you already know (look, say, write, check) 2.Take the remaining words and go to Enter your words and use the software to learn – try both Spanish to English but then the other way around