FS&N School Staff Meeting May, 2016
Congratulations to David on his award for Inspirational Teaching!
Agenda Apologies Minutes of Last Meeting Matters Arising HoS’s Statement Yorkshire and Humberside SME Initiative (MP) Safety (AS) Items from Student Education Committee (PK) Items from Research Committee (CO) Items from Postgraduate Committee (RE) 9. Admissions and Widening Participation (CE) 10. Finance (CR) 11. HR Issues (CR) 12. Athena Swan (CO) 13. AOB 14. Date of Next Meeting – 4th May, 2016.
HoS’s Statement THE Student Experience Survey IPE/Space China Visit International Students Industry Advisory Board Teaching Sub-Committee Attendance at Research Seminars New Academic Staff Research Group Structure Proposed Fees 2016/17 The Complete University Guide League Table 2017
The THE Student Experience Survey: Measures Used High Quality Staff/Lectures Helpful/Interested Staff Well-Structured Courses Good Social Life Good Community Atmosphere Good Extracurricular Activities/Societies Good Environment on Campus/Around University High Quality Facilities Personal Requirements Catered For
THE Student Experience Survey 2016 Rank University 1 Loughborough 2 Harper Adams 3 Sheffield 4 Oxford 5 Bath 6 Leeds 7= UEA Newcastle 9 Cambridge 10 Keele 18= Nottingham 20 Reading 26= Surrey 38= Manchester 97 Kings College London 117 (and last) London Metropolitan
IPE/Space Our plans are essentially what was approved last year (extra posts) Finance – much tighter situation, but our plans do not lead us into deficit To do this, target numbers of PGT Int have had to be increased to 85 (from 55)
IPE - Finance Opening Balance £k Plan 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 (School) Total Income 5944.5 6446.2 6950.2 7312.6 7543.6 Total Expenditure 6433.9 6734.4 6749.0 6579.9 6627.5 In-Year Movement (807.9) (491.3) 3.4 603.7 770.1 Cumulative Balance 1362.2 554.3 63.1 66.5 670.2 1440.3 (Faculty) 12919.9 10880.8 10260.7 11946.7 15642.1 20083.1
IPE/Space Our plans are essentially what was approved last year (extra posts) – and I was very keen to keep the plans intact Support for new academics Finance – much tighter situation, but our plans do not lead us into deficit To do this, target numbers of PGT Int have had to be increased to 85 (from 55) Space
China Visit School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang - teaching - research: meeting on ‘Food Reassurance’ next spring Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou - research: tripartite agreement on collaboration in ‘Food Oral Processing’ with Massey University, NZ
International students Industry Advisory Board Teaching Sub-Committee Attendance at research seminars
New Academic Posts - Update Yun Yun Gong – Associate Professor in International Food Security & Safety (July) Matteo Castronovo – Lecturer in Biochemistry (July) James Smith – Lecturer in Biochemistry (Sept) Arwen Tyler – Lecturer in Membrane Biointerfaces (Sept) Elena Simone – Lecturer in Remote Sensors (Sept) Alan Mackie – Professor of Colloid Chemistry (Sept) Francisco Goycoolea – Professor of Biopolymers (Nov) Lecturer in Obesity – interviews 11th May
- 2 further Research Technician Posts currently being advertised - Admin support for research post about to be advertised + 9 more Academic Posts to be advertised after August
(Slightly) New Research Group Structure New posts, new expertise Need to (roughly) balance the groups REF preparation, especially for C&BC
Chemistry & Biochemistry (total = 13) Profs: Gary Williamson, Mike Morgan, Francisco Goycoolea, 1 x vacancy Associate Profs: Yun Yun Gong Lecturers: Lisa Marshall, Jo Maycock, James Thorne, James Smith, Matteo Castronovo, 3 x vacancies
Colloids & Food Processing (total = 11) Profs: Brent Murray, Malcolm Povey, Michael Rappolt, Alan Mackie, Francisco Goycoolea Associate Profs: Rammile Etteliae Lecturers: Mel Holmes, Peter Ho, Anwesha Sarkar, Elena Simone, Arwen Tyler, 1 x vacancy
Nutrition & Public Health (total =12) Profs: Janet Cade, 1 x vacancy Associate Profs: Caroline Orfila, Bernadette Moore, Victoria Burley Lecturers: Charlotte Evans, David Haugton, Christine Bosch, 4 x vacancies
Proposed Course Fees 2016/17 Course 2016/17 2015/16 BSc Home/EU £9000 BSc Int £19750 £19250 MSc Home/EU MSc Int £20000 £19500 PGR Home/EU £4250 PGR Int £18500
BSc Int Fees 2016 Institution Fees Kings College London £21750 Leeds £19500 Nottingham £19120 Reading £18400 Newcastle £17080 Surrey £16000 Coventry £12418
MSc Home/EU Fees 2016 Institution Fees Kings College London £10500 Leeds £9000 Reading £8000 Sheffield £7000 Surrey Nottingham £6930 Newcastle £5665
MSc Int Fees 2016 Institution Fees Kings College London £21750 Glasgow £20500 Surrey £20000 Leeds £19500 Sheffield Nottingham £19300 Reading £17850
PGR Int Fees 2016 Institution Fees Nottingham £19120 Glasgow £18900 Newcastle £18830 Leeds £18500 Reading £17850 Surrey £17500
The Complete University Guide 2017 Subject Table – Food Science 2016 Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Quality Graduate Prospects Overall Score 1 Surrey 436 4.22 3.37 95 100.0 2 7 Queen’s Belfast 384 4.31 3.26 90 97.1 3 Leeds 435 4.24 3.06 80 96.7 4 Kings College London 442 3.76 3.33 85 96.5 5 Nottingham 374 4.01 3.12 94.2 6 Coventry 373 4.47 3.14 93.8 9 Newcastle 403 3.67 2.84 93.1 8 Reading 383 3.93 3.24 75 92.4 39 40 University Campus Suffolk 312 - 74.1
Food Industry Network Business Growth Innovation www.finuk.co.uk
Our Mission from a Yorkshire base “To contribute to economic growth and development by supporting all elements of the food and drinks supply chain, increasing their ability to compete successfully in both local, national and international markets whilst meeting changing consumer needs.”
Food Industry Network is a private B2B network established to assist members in building the momentum and energy needed to enter and grow within the food and drinks sector. Our focus is on Yorkshire and the Humber region. Food Industry Network is privately funded and is committed to delivering opportunities for its members. By joining Food Industry Network, companies will: Keep up to date with weekly news feeds Read the thoughts of sector opinion leaders Have access to grant funding schemes Receive regular invites to seminars, briefings and networking meetings SME’s can promote themselves to buyers through our directory of suppliers Have access to practical business development support Have access to innovation support for products and processes Working together as private, innovation driven organisations. Food Industry Network members make a significant contribution to developing this strategically important sector.
ABOUT OUR NETWORK The founders of Food Industry Network have a commitment to the private sector and to the food and drinks industry. Our central theme is about innovation and development driven by changing consumer demands. We believe this approach is critical to success within the UK and to effective export. Food Industry Network plays a leading role in supporting: Established businesses looking to grow in existing and new markets Start-up businesses looking for rapid growth and investment Food Industry Network achieves this by providing a network of sector expertise in which companies can share ideas, partner, collaborate and succeed. It supports this in a practical way, underpinned by experience in business development, innovation and food technology.
Sam Pick, Membership Director Sam. pick@finuk. co Sam Pick, Membership Director Sam.pick@finuk.co.uk Address Princes Exchange, First & Second Floors, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom
Opportunities for Leeds Placements/Student Interaction Grant Applications Dissemination/Publication Access to industry, particularly SME’s Seminars New projects …
Approach Soft Launch to September, gradual membership growth News Letters every 2 weeks Launch event in October (8th) Membership Growth Events in November and January
6. Health & Safety (AS)
7. Items from the SEC (PK)
New 4-Year Masters Programmes 4-Year UG programmes are well-established elsewhere (eg MChem, MPhys) Our 4-year BSc students (ie those who do a ‘year out’) are of very high quality and do demonstrably better than their colleagues who graduate in 3 years So, why not give the 4-year students a higher qualification? Would start from Sept 2017 entry
Integrated Masters for Industrial programmes. Direct recruitment? Higher entry grades? Levels 1 and 2 unchanged. BSc Industrial programmes still available Make clear if 2.1 level not reached then revert to BSc programme? Need to pass 100 credits at levels 1, 2, 3 and at M level – so must do 120 credits at level 5 (M)
Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial FS Year 3 – for Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial FS FOOD5…. Level 5 version of 3041? 20 credits Semesters 1 & 2 FOOD5..… Literature-based Project Work 10 credits PFP FOOD8.… Industrial Placement for Integrated Masters Students 90 credits Year 4 – for Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial FS FOOD5071M Research Project 60 credits Semester 1&2 PFP FOOD5196M Impacts of Food Processing on Nutritional Quality 10 credits Semester 2 FOOD5280M Functional Foods FOOD3371 Final year team project – or a level5 short version? 30 credits FOOD5125M Food Biotechnology Semester 1
Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial FS&N Year 3 – for Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial FS&N FOOD5….. Level 5 version of 3041? 20 credits Semesters 1 & 2 FOOD5..… Literature-based Project Work 10 credits PFP FOOD8.… Industrial Placement for Integrated Masters Students 90 credits Year 4 – for Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial FS&N FOOD5071M Research Project 60 credits Semester 2 PFP FOOD5147M Diet and Cardiovascular Health 10 credits FOOD5280M Functional Foods FOOD5340M Food and Cancer Semester 1 FOOD3371 Final year team project – or a level5 short version? 30 credits Semester 1&2
Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial Nutrition Year 3 – for Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial Nutrition FOOD5….. Level 5 version of 3041? 20 credits Semesters 1 & 2 FOOD5..… Literature-based Project Work 10 credits PFP FOOD8.… Industrial Placement for Integrated Masters Students 90 credits Year 4 – for Integrated Masters MSci BSc Industrial Nutrition FOOD5071M Research Project 60 credits Semester 2 PFP FOOD5147M Diet and Cardiovascular Health 10 credits FOOD5425M Personalised Nutrition FOOD5280M Functional Foods FOOD5340M Food and Cancer Semester 1 FOOD5410M Nutrition: Policy and Practice 20 credits Semesters 1&2
8. Items from R&IC (CO)
9. Items from PGRC (RE)
10. Admissions & Widening Participation (CE)
Figures as of Monday 2nd May UG Admissions UNDERGRADUATE SH 03-May ALL HOME/EU INTERNATIONAL Applications Offers CF + UF 2016 2015 % Food Science and Nutrition 480 491 -2% 330 352 -6% 88 113 -22% 360 371 -3% 246 276 -11% 72 91 -21% 120 - 83 76 9% 16 22 -27% Figures as of Monday 2nd May Closing date for choosing firm or insurance is 8th June for on-time applications (processed by 5th May)
Widening Participation …is going to be a really important issue in years to come
11. Finance Income/Expenditure ahead of plan Spending – 2 months left! MSc Research Projects Planned refurbishment 15/16 Space Academic Visitors
HR – New Staff who have arrived in the School since the last Meeting Mrs Kate James, joined the School on the 21st March 2016 as a Research Support Assistant working with Dr Caroline Orfila and Dr Lisa Marshall Miss Joanna Sier joined the School on the 3rd May 2016 as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow working with Dr Bernadette Moore Dr Marisol Warthon Medina joined the School on the 3rd May 2016 as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow working with Professor Jane Cade Dr Nicolai Kraut joined the School on 3rd May as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow working with Dr Anwesha Sarkar
New Staff Recruited (School-funded) Miss Jennifer Bowes, Student Education Support Officer starts mid-May 2016 Dr Matteo Castronovo , Lecturer in Food Biochemistry – starts 1st July 2016 Dr Yunyun Gong, Associate Professor in International Food Security and Safety, starts 1st July 2016 Professor Alan Mackie, Chair in Colloid Chemistry, starts 1st September 2016 Dr James Smith, Lecturer in Obesity, starts 1st September 2016 Dr Elena Simone, Lecturer in Remote Sensing, starts 1st September 2016 Dr Arwen Tyler, UAF, starts 1st September 2016 Professor Francisco Goycoolea, Chair in Biopolymers, starts on 1st November 2016
Currently Recruiting…… Lecturer in Obesity - Interviews in May 2016 Food Physico-Chemical Research Technician – Interviews May 2016 Biological and Human Study Research Technician Research Admin Support Officer
Secondments Ms Angela Morrison currently seconded to Student Education Service Manager in Physics until December 2016 Mrs Nicola Bhuller successfully recruited to a secondment on the CRM Project for 2 days per week from mid-May 2016 until December 2016.
Leavers Dr Laura Laguna Cruanes 31st March 2016 to take up a Lecturer post in CIAL (Institute of Food Science Research), a Research Institute belonging to the Spanish Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).Spain Miss Gemma Keats 15th April 2016 to take up a post similar to her post here at De Montfort University, Leicester
12. HR Mentoring PMF Survey Focus Groups SRDS/AAMs Equality & Inclusion Framework
13. Athena SWAN The Faculty re-submitted their application for a silver award on Friday 29th April 2016 having been given a year’s grace to update the previous application with more evidence and impact. Thank you to all who contributed to this huge piece of work We now have to develop the School action plan in preparation for the next submission…...
14. AOB 15. Date of next meeting – 13th July, 2016