COMMUNICATION SKILLS BA level elective course MA Anita Burgund
Course objectives Enable students to acquire basic values and advanced knowledge and skills of communication in a professional context of social work The course includes the knowledge, skills and techniques of communication in the professional interactions with: – clients during the assessment, – planning, – organization and implementation of interventions; – with colleagues and associates; – communication in smaller and larger group and in the community, – a written reports and official correspondence and managing technical documentation.
Course outcomes The students will adopt and perform the core values, principles and communication skills in the context of social work; The course will encourage reflection and self- awareness as the part of the professional development into the helping context
KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING Adopt basic values and advanced knowledge about communication Acquire advanced knowledge about verbal and non-verbal levels of communication Understand the concept of reflective practice. Acquire knowledge about principles of motivational interviewing; Understand cycle of communication and impact of feedback;
APPLICATION OF KNWLEDGE Apply skills of communication in a professional context of social work with clients, colleagues and public Understand clients in their specific environment Recognize client’s needs in communication with a social worker and factors of misunderstanding in communication; Be able to support different groups of clients to recognize and present their needs Be able to overcome the resistance and difficulties in communication with difficult clients and improve collaboration with them;
APPLICATION OF KNWLEDGE Be able to improve communication among professionals in supervision process. Apply skills of direct or written communication or by telephone; Managing professional documentation; Be able to establish working alliance with the client Apply the specific skills and principles of communication with children of different ages; Apply skills for communication with people who have the need for additional support in communication,
APPLICATION OF KNWLEDGE Overcome challenges in communication as a result of prejudices, assumptions and their own negative feelings. Recognize and respond to aggressive client and protect from aggressive behaviour Adopt and apply special communication skills (active listening, questioning, paraphrasing, summarizing, assertive communication skills, redefining, mapping needs, reframing, etc.), Adopt and apply special communication skills for working with children, with parents and children, families and groups, teams in the community; Cultural competent communication skills.
ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS Analyse compexity of information gathered in communication process and select the most important topics, Summerize and help clients to clarifay their needs and expectations
EVALUATION Improve self-awareness and reflective practice Evaluate quality of communication and working alliance during whole process of work