SEAMEO REPORT: THE SEA TVET PROGRAMME AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION (2015 – 2016) By: Hj Md Sharifuddin bin Hj Md Salleh Centre Director, SEAMEO VOCTECH.


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Presentation transcript:


SEA TVET in a Nutshell

1. ASEAN QA & QRF 2. SEA TVET Consortium 3. Priority Industry Sectors 4. Knowledge Sharing 5. SEA Occupational Mapping 6. Other TVET Components 7. Mobilisation of Stakeholders The Chiang Mai Joint Statement: At a glance (Areas, strategies, and cooperation)

1. ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework: A Comparison Brunei/Cambodia/ Lao PDR/ Malaysia/Myanmar/Phili ppines/ Vietnam AQRF Indonesia/ Thailand 9 8 AQRF Singapore: No NQF

1.ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework: A Comparison ASEAN QUALITY ASSURANCE NETWORK

2. The SEA TVET CONSORTIUM Curriculum harmonisation at country level workshops More than 500 institutions registered Staff exchange, student exchange, and study visits The consortium, through country level workshops has already been established

SEA-TVET Consortium 3-Year Roadmap

3. Target Industry Sectors Hospitality and Tourism (first priority) Electronics, Mechatronics, and ManufacturingAgriculture and Fisheries Construction

4. Knowledge Platform Policy Dialogues organised by RECOTVET 2016 International Conference on TVET in Brunei Creation of Knowledge Platform in collaboration with RECOTVET Sharing innovative practices through country level workshops SEA TVET Website

RECOTVET Joint Working Group Initiatives Policy dialogues with SEA TVET decision-makers Regional Cooperation Platform for School collaboration to improve TVET teacher performance Bilateral education programmes for TVET institutions; knowledge platform for quality standards Collaboration with SEAMEO, SEA TVET, SEAMEO VOCTECH and other agencies for human capacity building

5. SEA TVET Occupational Mapping Future Skills Demand in Southeast Asia (Research being conducted by SEAMEO VOCTECH sponsored by SEAMEO College that will outline the future labour force in the next 10 years Professional Mobility in Southeast Asia (A research sponsored by ADB in support of the Migration Policy Institute)

6. Several Components of SEA TVET Greening of TVET, Technopreneurship Teacher and staff training needs are identified Capacity building and Leadership training Regional Training and In- country Training Programmes (Offered by SEAMEO VOCTECH) Establishment of SEA Polytechnic and SEA TVET and Polytechnic Future Teachers International Conference on TVET (Brunei)

7. Mobilisation of Stakeholders Regular holding of High Officials’ meeting RECOTVET Initiatives on Policy Dialogues Sponsorship of Ministry of Education of member countries and other international agencies in conducting country level workshops Policymakers: PMs, Ministers, SGs, DGs, Specialists TVET Institutions: institution leaders/directors, deans of faculties, teachers/lecturers, researchers, students, parents Related development agencies in the region and beyond: RECOTVET, British Council, DAAD Private and industrial sector: presidents, managing directors, entrepreneurs.

Updates: Country Level Workshops CountryAreasHostParticipationOutputs Cambodia Seam Reap 9-10 Oct Hospitality & Tourism, Agriculture & Fisheries, Construction Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, Cambodia 5 Countries : Cambodia: 24 Lao PDR: 4 Thailand: 4 Indonesia: 6 Malaysia: 24 Commitment for sharing curriculum and study visit in March 2016 Exchange of teachers starting in May 2016 Thailand Nov 2015 Hospitality and tourism, Electronics, mechatronics and manufacturing, Agriculture, and fisheries, Construction/civil engineering, Commerce (banking), Maritime (Recommended by OVEC) The Office of Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand 1- 8 Frameworks of Cooperation were signed by 112 TVET collages 2-Commitments are such as Management Visit, Joining Conference, Sharing Curriculum, Teacher and Student Exchange Programme

Updates: Country Level Workshops CountryAreasHostParticipationOutputs Ubon Tachathani, Thailand 26 – 28 November 2015 Curriculum Matching; Study Visits and Expertise Sharing OVEC, ADB and British Council 10 Countries: Brunei Darussalam: 1 Cambodia: 18 Indonesia: 18 Lao PDR: 5 Malaysia: 3 Myanmar: 5 Philippines: 1 Thailand: 81 Timor leste: 1 1 FOC on Marine maritime between Myanmar and Thailand

Update: Country Level Workshops CountryAreasHostParticipationOutputs Myanmar Dec 2015 Yangon Hospitality and Tourism, Agriculture and fisheries, Construction Ministry of Education, Myanmar and ADB 7 Countries: Brunei Darussalam: 1 Cambodia: 4 Myanmar: 24 Thailand: 6 Lao PDR: 3 Malaysia: 1 4 FOC were signed by 22 TVET colleges Lao PDR Dec 2015 Areas : 1-Hospitality and tourism 2-Agriculture and fisheries 3-Electronics and mechatronics GIZ and Ministry of Education and Sports Lao PDR and SEAMEO SEAMOLEC 6 Countries: Brunei Darussalam: 1 Cambodia: 9 Indonesia: 11 Malaysia: 1 Thailand: 7 3 FOCs were signed by 22 institutions on: 1.Study Visits 2.Teacher Exchange 3.Student Exchange

Country Level Workshops CountryAreasHostParticipationOutputs Malaysia 1-3 Mar 2016 Hospitality & Tourism; Electronics; Industrial Machining; Agriculture; Bakery and Confectionery; Construction Technology Ministry of Education, Malaysia 8 Countries: Brunei Darussalam: 1 Cambodia: 6 Indonesia: 5 Malaysia: 88 Lao PDR: 2 Philippines: 3 Thailand: 4 Vietnam: 2 FOC signed in 6 areas by at least 150 TVET Institutions Philippines May 2016 Hospitality and Tourism; Agriculture and Fisheries; Electronics, Mechatronics, and Manufacturing DepEd, TESDA130 participants Three (3) Countries: 1.Philippines 2.Lao PDR 3.Cambodia 22 FOC in Hospitality and Tourism 17 FOCs in Agriculture and Fisheries 21 FOC in Electronics, Mechatronics, and Manufacturing

Summary of SEA TVET Activities (as of May 2016) 372 TVET Institutions registered 23 Framework of Cooperation Signed by 320 members Agreements in Action: 3 study visits (30 participants), 4 school management visits (16), 2 teacher exchanges, 5 student visits

SEA TVET: Challenges Standardisation of Curriculum National Qualification Framework Funding for Mobilisation Modern ICT tools, Equipments and Machinery across SEAMEO countries Medium of Communication in Schools (Languages)

SEA TVET: The Way Forward Launching of SEA Polytechnic Launching of SEA TVET Future Teachers Launching of SEA Polytechnic Future Teachers SEA-China Scholarship Programme SEA-TVET Leadership Training Course for TVET Leaders SEAMEO-DAAD Lecture Series for Lecturers and Students

SEA TVET: The Way Forward SEA TVET QAN ? Encourage activities Framework of Cooperation Possible funding supports to imlement students and staff exchange More Involvement of Industries

Review: Discussions from the 2 nd High Officials’ Round Table Meeting 12 May nd High Officials’ Meeting on SEA TVET Hotel Grand Nikko, Bali, Indonesia May 2916 SEA TVET: The Way Forward

Area 1: ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF) HOM’s Suggestions: Regional and national level of Qualification Reference Frameworks and Quality Assurance Frameworks are very important components in harmonization and internationalization of TVET in Southeast Asian countries. For that reason, it is important for TVET to consider the following: 1. Set-up a regional body/committee who will focus on the referencing of AQRF to the NQF and establish suitable models for TVET Quality, Assurance, including the timetable; 2. Study on harmonizing the credit transfer system; learning time vs. credit hours; 3. Suggesting SEAMEO to prepare a working paper to be presented at the SEAMEO High Officials Meeting in November 2016 by initiating the organizing body that will look into the use of Regional QRF and Quality Assurance Framework in a manner like the AQAN; 4. Prepare a working paper, with personnel-in-charge (PIC) per country that will study issues on NQF/AQRF; research focusing on at least 2 of the 4 areas as initial study in harmonizing NQF-related issues.

Area 2: SEA TVET CONSORTIUM HOM’s Suggestions: 1. Encourage a school-to-school student/staff exchange (bilateral) rather than multi-lateral if this is more applicable and doable; 2. All participating TVET should have NQF, if not they can refer to AQRF with willingness and readiness; 3. Having a standard for those participating institutions is necessary to assure that they meet certain requirements. SEA-TVET is inclusive network but at the same time also should maintain the high level of participating institutions, for example by looking at industry acceptance and employability rate.

Area 3: Priority Industry Sectors HOM’s Suggestions: Agreed to remain the 4 priority areas agreed at the 1 st HOM on SEA TVET in Chiangmai, Hospitality and Tourism (1 st priority area) 2.Agriculture and Fisheries 3.Electronics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing 4.Construction

Area 4: Knowledge Sharing HOM’s Suggestions: 1. Linking the TVET website among TVET Ministries –SEAMEO 2. Creating a regional awards/competition to those who offer excellent of resources sharing.

Area 5: Occupational Mapping HOM’s Suggestions: 1. Scaling up the research to cover more areas and involving more ministries; 2. Proposing SEAMEO to provide an instrument developed by experts that can be utilized in the SEAMEO member countries to start from certain industrial and geographical areas; 3. Creating a mechanism to keep the SEAMEO member countries informed and updated on the TVET Activities conducted by country level.

Area 6: Other TVET Components HOM’s Suggestions: 1. Aligning SEA-TVET policy direction with other regional policy Declaration on TVET involved SEAMEO member countries; 2. Consider creative industry and sustainable development in TVET.

Area 7: Mobilisation of Stakeholders HOM’s Suggestions: 1. Emphasizing and expanding stakeholders’ involvements including community/parents, private industries, and professional associations, international development agencies; 2. Adopting a competition and exposition under SEA TVET, but not duplicating with ASEAN skills competition; 3. Expand the existing national skills competition by inviting other Southeast Asian countries to participate

B. Additional issues or initiatives that need to be added to Chiang Mai Joint Statement. 1. Supporting SEA-TVET Scholarship Programme. The member countries have different commitment on the number and form of schilarships; 2. Supporting SEA-Polytechnics Network, SEA-TVET Future Teachers, SEA-TVET Knowledge Platform. 3. The 3 rd HOM on SEA-TVET will be organised in Malaysia in 2017.
