Languages for Career, Business, Self Development Why it is beneficial to know a foreign language January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina
Some language related statistics for Ireland January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina In 2012: citizens who were able to hold a conversation in at least one foreign language Ireland – 40% Europe, average – 54% Fewer students than in the past are choosing to study two foreign languages Some schools do not have this option 7% of Irish 10 year olds learn a foreign language 70% and above is an EU average Ireland is almost unique in Europe: the learning of foreign languages is optional in Post Primary education Are Irish people worse in languages than the others?
It is not all about tests… January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina
over 4/5 of the world's population does not speak English. Why learning another language January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina Does everyone speak English? 5.6% of the world population speak English as a primary language 12% approximately speaks English as a second or third language
January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina The importance of foreign language skills in all EU countries: businesses increasingly operate internationally need staff who can speak the language of their customers. It says: “Those who speak more than one language have a greater chance of succeeding in business
Why learning another language January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina Personal, professional, social, economic reasons increase global understanding make travel more feasible and enjoyable increase native language ability make lifelong friends improve employment potential improve chances of entry into college or graduate school expand study abroad options increase understanding of oneself and one's own culture appreciate international literature, music, and film sharpen cognitive and life skills To:
January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina
January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina
About the company January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina Created in 1998 Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) FAS approved course provider 2006: recognised by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) for testing the staff of the Food and Veterinary Office in all official languages of the European Union 2010, 2014: awarded with a contract, twice, with the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions to train their staff in all European languages More on
January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina Renaud Puyou Director and owner of Language Unlimited Services Ltd About the owner
More about the owner January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina 10 years of French audio-material in Ireland: corporate training guides for multinational companies educational material for Irish education manuals guides monthly news magazines mock exam papers for Junior and Living Certificates recorded advertisements for Amazon Web Services and Dell Corporate material include Skillsoft, Pfizer, Audi, Volvo, Hitachi, Dell, AutoCAD, Intell IT and many more
Another language is not a barrier, it’s an advantage January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina
Reference January 2015 Enterprise Communications Victoria Drewzina _French_BOOK.pdf