Academic Program Planning Sheet Major __________________________ Degree/s __________________ Banner ID ___________________ Adviser ___________________ Date _____________________ The Miami PlanCollege of Arts and Science (A.B. Degree) I. English Composition (6 hours) II. Fine Arts, Humanities, & Social Science (12 hours) III. Cultures (6 hours) IV. Natural Science (9 hours, including lab credit) V. Mathematics, Formal Reasoning, & Technology (3 hours) PERSPECTIVE: Historical (H): __________________________ English (3 hrs): ___________________________________ A: Fine Arts (3 hrs): _______________________________ B: Humanities (3 hrs): _____________________________ C: Social Science (3 hrs): ___________________________ (Remaining Hours – 3 hrs): __________________________ A: United States Cultures (3 hrs): ____________________ B: World Cultures (3 hrs): __________________________ A: Biological Science (3 hrs): _______________________ B: Physical Science (3 hrs): _________________________ (Remaining Hours – 3 hrs): __________________________ Lab Credit: _______________________________________ ____________________ Your Registration Window begins at ________________ and ends __________________ Open Registration for Spring Semester is 11/15/04 – 1/14/05 A. Foreign Language (202 Level) B. Humanities (9 hours): Take 6 hours within the CAS from 2 areas (HST / LIT / PHL / REL) C. Social Science (9 hours): Take 6 hours within the CAS from 2 areas (ATH / ECO / GEO / POL / PSY / SOC-GTY) D. Natural Science (10 hours): Take 10 hours within the CAS: 3 hrs biological science, 3 hrs physical science, & a lab. E. Formal Reasoning (3 hours) _________________ 1 st Area: _______________ 2 nd Area _______________ Remaining: _______________ 1 st Area: _______________ 2 nd Area _______________ Remaining: _______________ _________________ Biological: ________________ Physical: ________________ Remaining: ________________ Lab: ____________________ Focus (junior level) Thematic Sequence: Minimum 9 hours Capstone (senior level) Minimum 3 hours Field (80-86 hours), Courses required for major, divisional and minor requirements, or pursuit of electives for personal interest Student referred to: Learning Assistance Center, 14 Campus Avenue Building, Career Exploration and Testing Center, 196 Health Services Building, Student Counseling Center, 195 Health Services Building, Office of International Programs/Study Abroad, , 216 MacMillian Hall College of Arts and Science, 146 Upham, School of Business, 103 Laws, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Bonham House, School of Education and Allied Profession, 176 McGuffey, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, 114 Peabody, School of Fine Arts, 212 Heistand Hall, University Honors Program, 96 Bishop Hall, Other: _______________________________________________________ AP/Transfer Credit2 nd Sem Registration1 st Sem Registration Division/Major Courses Electives Total ______ Alternates: Total ______ Alternates: Student’s Name ___________________________ Student Hall/Room___________________ Student Phone _________________ Division/s _____________________ White: Student Yellow: File
Individual Advising Notes Date of Appointment _____________________ Things discussed during appointment (Adviser please check all appropriate boxes): _____ DARS _____ Divisional Requirements _____ Registration _____ Miami Bulletin _____ Second Semester Courses _____ Fall Semester Advising _____ Guidebook for New Students _____ Alternates _____ Academic Dates & Deadlines _____ Miami Plan Requirements _____ Open Course List _____ Learning Goals Worksheet Summary of Discussion: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Midterm Intervention Notes Date of Appointment _____________________ Summary of Discussion: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Probation Intervention Notes Date of Appointment _____________________ Summary of Discussion: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Adviser Only: White: Student’s File Yellow: Coordinator of Academic Advising Advising Appointment Log Student Name: _______________________________________Banner # ____________________________ Residence Hall/Commuter ______________________________Adviser _____________________________