Broadcasting AGENDA-Commercial Development Learning goal: Interpret the manner in which an ad convinces you to “buy” what it’s selling. AND engage accountable talk
The Language of Persuasion Open notes Quiz Number your paper 1-15 (skip lines). View each slide or commercial, identify the persuasive and/or rhetorical device (you may use your notes). Explain the purpose for this device and back it up with evidence. Write your answers down and KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF (Joey & Andrew!)
“Just Do It”
“Mm, Mm Good. Mm, Mm Good.”
“Live in your world, play in ours.”
“Is it in you?” or “Be Like Mike”
“I’m Lovin’ It”
“Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s______”
“They’re magically delicious”
“Hungry? Why Wait?” or “Satisfies”
“Snap, Crackle, Pop”
Commercial Analysis G Watch each commercial and write down all the ways in which the advertising agency is trying to persuade you.
soup-i-chicken-noodle- soup-i-chicken-noodle-c1968-premium-giclee- printc jpg
"Be Like Mike" Commercial