Group 5 Tea Plantation in India Afrin Binte Hossain Ibtisam Sayef Md. Nafiul Alam Nipu Nikita Azmi Hasan
Content 1.Introduction 2.Primary Economic Activity - commercial agriculture - plantation agriculture 3. History of Tea Production in India 4. Places in India 5. Major Tea Brands in India 6. Statistics 7. Conclusion
Introduction Tea is considered to be one of the major components of world beverage market Consumed by large number of people India is the one of the largest tea production in the world 70 percent of its tea consumed within India itself
Primary Economic Activities: Agriculture Commercial agriculture Tea is known as plantation agriculture
History of Tea Production in India In 1598, a Dutch traveller, Jan Huyghen, noted in a book about his adventures that the Indians ate the leaves as a vegetable with garlic and oil and boiled the leaves to make a brew First initiative was taken by the British In 1823 and 1831, Robert Bruce and his brother Charles, an employee of the East India Company, confirmed that the tea plant was indeed a native of the Assam area In 1833 a committee was set up for establishing the first nurseries in Assam In Assam Indian plants flourished but Chinese seedlings struggled to survive First sold in 1838 in London
History of Tea Production in India (Continued..) Cultivation started around the town of Darjeeling in the foothills of the Himalayas in the mid 1850s By 1857, between 60 and 70 acres were under tea production Chinese seeds grew well here In 1853, India exported tons of tea By 1870, that figure had increased to 6,700 tons and by 1885, 35,274 tons Today, India is one of the world's largest producers of tea with 13,000 gardens and a workforce of more than 2 million people
Major Tea Producing States in India Assam West Bengal South India Himachal Prades Tripura Meghalaya
Leading Tea Companies in India Tata Tea Society Tea Ducans Double Diamond Tea Brooke Bond Red Label Tea Taj Mahal TEA Lipton Tea Tetley Tea Marvel Tea Mohani Tea
Statistics The per capita consumption of tea in India grams per person every year. From Rs 19,500 crore in 2011, the total turnover of the Indian tea industry is expected to be Rs 33,000 crore by 2015 according to the ASSOCHAM report of Tea Production (2013): 1.2 billion kilos - Production of tea reached million kg in Tea exports in value (Jan-Oct 2015): 32 billion - Average export tea price/kg ( ): Rs 154 Tea exports 2014 (million kgs): 207 Ranked fourth in terms of tea exports, which reached million kg during and were valued at US$ million. Tea imports (million kgs): 19
Conclusion India is the largest producer of black tea as well as the largest consumer of tea in the world. Currently, India produces 23% of total world production and consumes about 21% of total world consumption of tea. By building on a proud legacy of enterprise that spanned nearly two and a half centuries, India has acquired an exalted status on the global tea map. - India has around thousand hectares of area under tea production. According to estimates, the tea industry is India's second largest employer. It employs over 3.5 million people across some 1,686 estates and 157,504 small holdings. – nearly 80% of the tea produced is consumed within India. Over the last 20 years, India’s world ranking as an exporter has come down from number one to number four, in the face of stiff competition from Sri Lanka, Kenya, and China.
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