Jaundice is the yellowish coloration of the skin, sclera, mucus membrane due to high concentration of bilirubin Jaundice becomes clinically evident when the serum bilirubin level exceeds 2,5 mg\dl
Pathopysiology Bilirubin result from break down of hemoglobin,unconjugated bilirubin transported to liver bound to albumine because insoluble in water and after that become conjugated bilirubin Conjugated bilirubin is water soluble and secreted in to bile and then in to intestine, converted to urobilinogen and sterobilinogen
Urobilinogen 20% reabsorbed in to portal circulation and rexcretedin to urine by kidney Sterobilinogen excreted in to stool and give it yellow color Mechanismof jaundice Increase production of bilirubin Decrease hepatocyte conjugation Impaired delivery of B in to intestine
Mention types or classification of jaundice ? Hemolytic jaundice (pre haepatic jaundice) haepatic jaundice (hepatocellular jaundice) Obstructive jaundice (post haepatic jaundice )
Hemolytic jaundice Hemolytic jaundice resulting due to increase destruction of RBCs or hemolysis Causes=- Abnormal Hb, malaria and splenomegaly
Hepatic jaundice Hepatic jaundice occurs due to in ability of damaged liver cells to clear normal amount of bilirubin from the blood Causes =- Hepatitis A,B, C,D and E Yellow fever virus
Obstructive jaundice Resulting due to occlusion of bile duct by gallbladder stone, inflamatory process and tumor such as carcenoma of the head of pancreas This types characterizeby the following Increase conjugated bilirubin Urobilinogen in urine absent and stool pale or fatty
Sings and symptoms =- Yellowish color of skin and sclera Itching Diagnostic test =- LFT,AbdU\S and CBC MANAGEMENT =- According to causes Complication=- Gallbladder stone and brain stem damage
Nursing process Assessment =- History of chief complain Assess skin,sclera and mucus membrane Abdominal examination Assess patient knowledge
Nursing diagnosis Impaired skin integrity R\L to increase bilirubin concentration Goal =- maintain skin integrity N implementation =- Assess skin integrity Bathing for the patient Lubricate the skin daily Administer prescribed medication Reassess the skin