Llythrennedd a Rhifedd yn y Coleg Literacy and Numeracy in the College
Yn y Coleg byddwch: In the College, you will: yn cael y cyfle i wella eich sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd wrth ddysgu pynciau a sgiliau newydd; yn cymryd mwy o gyfrifoldeb am wirio a chywiro eich gwaith eich hun. yn cael y cyfle i wella eich sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd wrth ddysgu pynciau a sgiliau newydd; yn cymryd mwy o gyfrifoldeb am wirio a chywiro eich gwaith eich hun. have the opportunity to improve your literacy and numeracy skills as you learn new subjects and skills; take more responsibility for checking and correcting your own work. have the opportunity to improve your literacy and numeracy skills as you learn new subjects and skills; take more responsibility for checking and correcting your own work.
Beth ydi sgiliau Llythrennedd? What are Literacy skills? Sillafu Atalnodi Gramadeg: – Defnyddio paragraffau a brawddegau llawn – Ysgrifennu yn glir – Treiglo yn gywir etc Dysgu a defnyddio geirfa newydd – perthyn i’ch pwnc Sillafu Atalnodi Gramadeg: – Defnyddio paragraffau a brawddegau llawn – Ysgrifennu yn glir – Treiglo yn gywir etc Dysgu a defnyddio geirfa newydd – perthyn i’ch pwnc SPAG Spelling Punctuation Grammar: – Using paragraphs and sentences – Writing clearly – Using verbs correctly etc Learning and using new terminology – relevant to your subject SPAG Spelling Punctuation Grammar: – Using paragraphs and sentences – Writing clearly – Using verbs correctly etc Learning and using new terminology – relevant to your subject
Sgiliau Llythrennedd? Literacy skills? Technegau darllen Siarad: – yn glir – siarad mewn trafodaethau – mynegi barn a theimladau – cyflwyno gwybodaeth Gwrando yn ofalus: – deall – dilyn cyfarwyddiadau – cefnogi siaradwyr Technegau darllen Siarad: – yn glir – siarad mewn trafodaethau – mynegi barn a theimladau – cyflwyno gwybodaeth Gwrando yn ofalus: – deall – dilyn cyfarwyddiadau – cefnogi siaradwyr Reading techniques Speaking skills: – clarity – to take part in discussions – to express opinions and feelings – to present information Listening skills: – to understand – to follow instructions – to support speakers Reading techniques Speaking skills: – clarity – to take part in discussions – to express opinions and feelings – to present information Listening skills: – to understand – to follow instructions – to support speakers
Sgiliau rhifNumeracy skills Sgiliau y byddwch eu hangen i allu gwneud eich gwaith yn gywir e.e. – mesur – deall siâp a gofod – trin data – adnabod pa symiau i’w gwneud i ddatrys problem Sgiliau y byddwch eu hangen i allu gwneud eich gwaith yn gywir e.e. – mesur – deall siâp a gofod – trin data – adnabod pa symiau i’w gwneud i ddatrys problem Skills you need to be able to do your work correctly e.g. – measuring – understanding shape and space – use data – identifying which calculations to use to solve problems Skills you need to be able to do your work correctly e.g. – measuring – understanding shape and space – use data – identifying which calculations to use to solve problems
Pam trafferthu?Why bother? Cyflogwyr Prifysgolion Bywyd pob dydd Safon eich gwaith cwrs yn uwch Cyflogwyr Prifysgolion Bywyd pob dydd Safon eich gwaith cwrs yn uwch Employers Universities Everyday life Standard of your coursework will be better Employers Universities Everyday life Standard of your coursework will be better
Sir Michael Rake Cadeirydd/Chair BT: Cafodd BT 26,000 o geisiadau ar gyfer 170 prentisiaeth. Nid oedd pwrpas ystyried 6,000 ohonyn nhw. Meddai: BT received 26,000 applicatons for 170 apprenticeships. 6,000 were not worthy of consideration. He said: “They were unable to complete a form because they could not spell, put it together or read properly – completely illiterate. It’s a disgrace.”
Sir Stuart RoseMarks & Spencer “There is something wrong with the education system as it is producing people that are ‘not fit for work’.” He said of some school leavers: “They cannot do reading. They cannot do arithmetic. They cannot do writing.”
Sut fydd yr athrawon yn eich helpu? How will the teachers help you? Trafod canlyniad y prawf cychwynnol efo chi. Gosod targedau i chi – llythrennedd a rhifedd. Marcio eich gwaith – defnyddio’r symbolau ar y cardiau melyn. Trafod eich sgiliau efo chi mewn tiwtorial bob tymor. Trafod canlyniad y prawf cychwynnol efo chi. Gosod targedau i chi – llythrennedd a rhifedd. Marcio eich gwaith – defnyddio’r symbolau ar y cardiau melyn. Trafod eich sgiliau efo chi mewn tiwtorial bob tymor. Discuss the results of your initial assessment with you. Set targets for you – literacy and numeracy. Mark your work – using the symbols on the yellow bookmarks. Discuss your skills with you in a tutorial every term. Discuss the results of your initial assessment with you. Set targets for you – literacy and numeracy. Mark your work – using the symbols on the yellow bookmarks. Discuss your skills with you in a tutorial every term.
Sut fedrwch chi helpu eich hunain? How can you help yourself? Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am eich gwaith: – drafftio yn ofalus – darllen eich gwaith i weld a oes gwallau cyn ei roi i’w farcio (prawfddarllen) – cywiro eich camgymeriadau – dysgu oddi wrth eich camgymeriadau Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am eich gwaith: – drafftio yn ofalus – darllen eich gwaith i weld a oes gwallau cyn ei roi i’w farcio (prawfddarllen) – cywiro eich camgymeriadau – dysgu oddi wrth eich camgymeriadau Take responsibility for your own work: – draft carefully – read your work to see if there any errors in it before handing it in (proofreading) – correct your errors – learn from your mistakes Take responsibility for your own work: – draft carefully – read your work to see if there any errors in it before handing it in (proofreading) – correct your errors – learn from your mistakes
TasgActivity Cewch daflen gan eich tiwtor. Gwnewch eich gorau i ysgrifennu mor gywir ag y bod modd. Mae angen i chi ysgrifennu am 20 (ugain) munud. Bydd eich tiwtor personol yn trafod eich targedau llythrennedd efo chi wedi iddo/iddi farcio’r dasg. Cewch daflen gan eich tiwtor. Gwnewch eich gorau i ysgrifennu mor gywir ag y bod modd. Mae angen i chi ysgrifennu am 20 (ugain) munud. Bydd eich tiwtor personol yn trafod eich targedau llythrennedd efo chi wedi iddo/iddi farcio’r dasg. You will receive a task from your tutor. Please write as accurately as possible. You need to write for 20 (twenty) minutes. Your personal tutor will discuss your literacy targets with you when they have marked the task. You will receive a task from your tutor. Please write as accurately as possible. You need to write for 20 (twenty) minutes. Your personal tutor will discuss your literacy targets with you when they have marked the task.