4 New Distributors 4 New ADR’s Dream Builder Focus! Train Teach Support Replicate Tell Show 4444 Do Perfect Build your business one “brick” at a time. Every Month Distributor sign-up. $200 ADR Become Nu Skin Executive 16 ADR’s Become Nu Skin Executive 16 ADR’s LOI Letter of intent to become Executive 4 ADR’s LOI Letter of intent to become Executive 4 ADR’s Leader: Gold (1) Lapis (2) Ruby (4) Emerald (6) Diamond (8) Blue Diamond (12) Team Elite (15) Leader: Gold (1) Lapis (2) Ruby (4) Emerald (6) Diamond (8) Blue Diamond (12) Team Elite (15) 1000P V 4500P V Train Others
Step 2: Contacts After Signing Up, and Before They Leave the Demo Get Their 5 top prospects: Pidgeon Hole questions: –Who is the top Entrepreneur in your Family or your school classmates? –I’m looking for people such as, Real Estate Agents or Mortgage Brokers who know how to follow up and have “people” skills. –I’m looking for people who know how to do this kind of businesss. Network Marketing/Direct Sales People. Travel Insurance Juice Communication: Knives Vacuum Cleaners: –Mixed Language Skills Chinese Japanese Spanish Korean Family: Close & Extended, Friends of Family: Close & Extended, Friends of Business Past, Present, Future Business Past, Present, Future Community orgs: Church etc Friends: School Social
Step 3: Inviting: Take Action. Make Invite Calls Together Basic Model Inviting: 3 min or less –“Hi ____, this is ____. I have just gotten started with a company that is introducing a new technology that erases wrinkles in 12 minutes and makes you feel younger with patented ingredients. I have tried it and it works! I need to practice on 5 models…can you be one of my models? I can go over to your place or you can join me at a training on Saturday.” Business Entrepreneur Inviting: 3 min or less –“Hi _______, this is ______. We are launching a new technology that has HUGE potential here in Los Angeles. It is a new technology that erases wrinkles in 12 minutes and makes you feel younger with patented ingredients! I’ve seen this technology work and it’s amazing! I’d like to show you how this technology works. I can meet you for lunch or at your work or home for about 30 minutes. Today, tomorrow…what time? ageLOC Vitality Invite: “Hi ____, this is ____. I’ve discovered a natural energy product that sold over $6 million in its first 10 days. It is patented by a 1.3 billion $ company that has just launched it as a way for people to feel younger. More physical energy –no crash, More mental acuity and sharpness- proven, Increased libido and sexual vitality. I want to show you this amazing product and pass you a risk free trial. Can I get 25 minutes with you tomorrow evening or would lunchtime be better? Once you create curiousity, control yourself. “This product is visual so you have to see it operate.”
Step 4 : Presenting: Bring Nu Skin To The People Bridge ABC: Take Someone With You ALWAYS! F.O.R.M.- Talk about family, occupation, recreation and money. Opening statement. “We are launching a new technology that is the most significant development in anti-aging in the last 50 years. It has huge potential in the ______ market.” Tell your story. Name, Occupation, Where you are from, Why Nu Skin? “The best part is…” Flip Chart (5 minutes) Technology – Triple Play How it works – Galvanic Spa Half Face Demo – Show pictures. Demonstration (15 minutes) Show mirror (validation) and take picture. Sign Up ADR ADR Benefits + 1 Kit. Get Your Order Sheet OUT!!! Why this is a big business (10 minutes) 5 points about Nu Skin 1) Technology- Unique, exclusive, patented technology that works instantly 2) Products- Guaranteed to work! 3) Company- 1.3 Billion $$ and GROWING! 4) Leverage- Make a sale once, get paid over and over again! 5) Timing- Wide open market. Be one of the first ones! Replication Plan: 1 Kit, 2 Kit LOI Plan – Hand them a KIT! 1)Get your products free and get your money back. 2)Become an executive Pts. 9-20% commission on GSV. 3)Inventory = sales. Double your sales by having some inventory. 4)Duplication/Copy. People copy how YOU come into the business. 5)Safe. 90% Money back guarantee for 1 year on unopened products. Answer Questions/Obstacles. (Use 3 rd party validation to answer questions) What do you like about what you’ve seen so far? Why would now be a good time for you to join Nu Skin? Sign Them Up With Business Builder Kit or “Good, Better, Best” Plan Get Their 5 Names (prospects) Sell Them Starter Packet $25 Schedule 1 hour -One on One Appointment I said, “The ADR is the BIG sale!”
Step 4 Cont: Presenting Outside Your City Using Launch Calls (areas over 1.5 hour drive) Set up freeconferencecall.com line Schedule time to do a conference call with senior partner 1) Everybody joins conference call line 2) Distributor/host introduces guests and guest speaker. Edifying leader. 3) Leader takes notes of who is on the call. 4) Leader presents: name, where from, story, why Nu Skin. 5) Opening statement: Launching new exclusive technology, unique, patented technology in USA. 1.3 Billion $ company, 5-A1 rated, NYSE, Just getting started in USA, Looking for leaders. 6)Why this is a BIG business: Technology- Triple play. Unique, exclusive, patented technology that works instantly. Products- Clinical Studies. Guaranteed to work! Company- Investment in technology. 1.3 Billion $$ and GROWING! Leverage- Freedom vehicle. Make a sale once, get paid over and over again! Timing- Wide open market. Be one of the first ones! 7)How To Start: “Good, Better, Best” 8)Interest level: Scale of Sign up 7 or above. Conference call next 2 hours. 9)More information. Next step: weekly meeting, website, webinar etc. 10)Thank everyone for joining the call. Sign person with Nu Skin. Have senior partner on 3-way call to answer questions. Upon product arrival, do “box-opening” ceremony. One hour, one-on-one on phone. FST (Fast Start Training) and TEU (Team Elite University)
Step 5: Follow-Up 1, 2, 3 Way. Get Validation Partner With You Or On The Phone Important to have a Validating partner with you to answer questions and overcome objections. 1) Start with, “What did you like about the presentation?” 2) “How does it apply to you?” “Why is now a particularly good time to do Nu Skin?” 3) Do you have any questions? 4) 5 main questions you must be ready to answer. I don’t like MLM- “What has been your experience with MLM?” Use Feel, Felt, Found. “I know how you feel, I felt the same way, but what I found was that this company is different. The people are different. The culture is different.” I cannot sell. I don’t like to sell. “I understand that you may be uncomfortable with selling. Can you see that we are simply demonstrating an educating people about our products? Can you learn to do a demo?” I don’t have money. “I understand that money may be tight for you and you would like to know you can make your money back before your credit card is due next month. Is that right? I don’t have time. “You are wondering how you can do this business with your already busy schedule, correct?” “How long has this been going on?” “Do you have a leverage plan?” Let me think about it. “You will have a year to think about it. Nu Skin gives you a one year 90% money back guarantee on all unopened products.” Isolate the objection: “If it weren’t MLM, would you do it?” “Why? Why now?” Ask them to join. “Let’s do it! Can you find your 4 people?” Hmm…Nu Skin seems interesting I can easily learn to do a demo I can make my $$ back this month. I want to make time to do this I like the 90%, $ back guarantee.
Step 6: Getting Started- At Presentation Before Leaving Event First 48 hours is critical! Have them purchase a Nu Skin package Set up their ADR $200/mo Sell them the New Distributor Packet. –Laminated Flip chart. –CD getting Started Training –Black and White Documents –Starter “Galvanic Training” DVD Go Through Steps 1-5 –Fill out the “Get plugged in” sheet in Black and White Packet Username: first last (one word) and Password: Birthday mmddyy –Get their top 5 names list. Find their “4.” Show building block. NSE Order Desk, Tech Support, Distributor Support, Product Support –Fill out Contact List. List Top 4 Upline Executives and your contact information. List sideline executives too. –Set up 1 hour One-on-One training and set Spa Party Date –Go to Weekly Meeting. Arrive early to help set-up, stay late to help clean up. –Teach Art of Inviting –Set up date for Fast Start Training. –Set up date for Team Elite University.
One Hour Training Answer Questions (10 minutes) –Go through the Flipchart Galvanic Again and Use Daily System (15 minutes) –Do Whole Face Review Compensation plan and how to become an executive. Product Review: Use Catalog Black and White Packet (20 minutes) –Basic Information –Set up business hours on the calendar page (Part time/Full time) –Go through websites –Conference calls –Why Nu Skin? –3 Way Calls –Upline Contacts –List contacts 100 Contacts Do Your Definite Main Purpose Statement! –Write statement. Commit your goal to paper Remember: 1) One on One training builds relationships 2) Fast Start Training (FST) - First Saturday of every month. 3) Team Elite University (TEU)- Third week of every month. 3 days = 6 months of training. 4) Large events, Corporate Kick-Off events and Success Summits. 5) Do lots of demos and presentations! Doing the work is the best training. Learn by DOING! Look at andwww.oneteamglobal.com Watch Training DVD before the 1 hour training
6 Exposures Rule: People aren’t in the business until they get 6 exposures. Be CORE! Plug into the system everyday! 1) 15 presentations per month, minimum. 2) Be a product of the product- Use the products. 25 products minimum. 3) ADR $200-$500 per month. 4) Ship your ADR on the 5 th of every month. 5) Get 10 ADR’s in your circle group every month. 6) Read 20 minutes per day. 7) Meeting (Training) –Go to the Weekly Island Meeting in your area. 8) Get on the Conference Calls –Generals Calls 7:00am PST Passcode: 77546# –Everyday: Team Aloha Leadership Call: 9:15am PST Passcode: –Saturdays: Millionaire Training Call: 8:00am PST Passcode: 77546# –Sundays: Sunday Night Training Call: 6:00pm PST Passcode: 77546# 9) Super Success Trainings –Monthly SST Trainings in the area 10) Recorded Calls: -- Karen Johnson Ext #2 -- Alan Nagao Passcode: ) Websites: – – products and orderingwww.teamaloha.infowww.nuskinusa.com – – trainingwww.nsevideos.com - prospectingwww.oneteamglobal.com– – – prospectingwww.nsedreams.comwww.ethocyninfo.comwww.nsedreams.com – – – marketing materials. Training CDs and DVDs. 12)Team Elite University- Key to Success Build Your Block! 4 Distributors 4 ADR’s T.E.U.
Step 7: TEAMWORK- Work As A Team! 1)Duplication: Does it Duplicate? 2) Edification of: The System, The Leaders, The Company 3) Respect Crosslines: Help your crosslines 4) Coaching: Provide counseling to your downlines every month. Create a “Momentum Zone” at Meeting Presentations by following a meeting protocol and engage the 10 Commandments of Success! 1) Sit in the front of the room and take charge. 2) Make eye contact with people. 3) Walk Fast. Move with urgency. 4) Talk Louder. Enthusiasm is louder than shyness. 5) Smile! Leave problems outside of meeting room. 6) Dress Sharp! 7) Come early, stay late! 8) Declare your intentions publicly 9) Raise up. Stand up! 10) Stumble forward, even if you are confused!
You just know that you are going to be successful Start from the street –Friends & Strong contacts Understand that you are going to change lives/countries They will find the money if they see the value Launching new areas. Give people the big picture There are hundreds of ways to communicate the same message This is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme. It takes hard work. This is not about greed. It’s about Giving. Learn to love yourself! Give yourself credit for what you accomplished. Do DAILY! Don’t compare yourself to others! Be kind to yourself! Know that you will go up and down as you climb the road to success! Key Beliefs- The Culture of Nu Skin
5 Habits To Become A Team Elite Leader 3:3s 3 new contacts a day 3 Demos a day. Bridge ABC 3 ADRs a week Do Presentations 1000 meetings to become a Team Elite. Learn by doing. Just do demos and you will become good. Plug In Be a Product of the Product Conference Calls Meetings- Weekly opportunity meetings- Become a leader of a weekly meeting SSTs- Super Success Training- monthly- Become a travelling leader. Recorded Calls Team Elite University and Fast Start Training Launch meeting with Upline: Anti Aging Party 3 way call with Upline Five Level Rule – Look for the Diamonds. The best people will be 5 levels below you. Map and track your organization. Open door to others Do not judge people immediately Launch your subconscious mind Definite Main Purpose Statement/ Self Confidence Formula 2x per day out loud. Be kind to yourself and do not compare yourself to others. The Secret (Law of attraction) Read a good motivational book Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill The Greatest Secret in the World – Og Mandino 45 Second Presentation – Don Failla 30 minutes to be a better person Stay positive!