Seed Projects Roadshow Margaret Hyland – Director SfTI National Science Challenge Don Cleland – Theme Leader : Materials, Manufacturing & Design Reece Moors – SfTI Programme Office
National Science Challenges Mission-led research: sits between researcher-led and industry-led 10 year timeframe National best teams Research refresh as an integral part of the challenge
Our Mission To enhance the capacity of New Zealand to use physical sciences and engineering research for economic growth through export-driven innovation in areas of strength and competitive advantage.
Our Vision A vibrant and prosperous technology-driven New Zealand economy, with new businesses offering high-value services and products that may not yet have been invented.
Capacity Development
What does success look like?
Challenge Themes Materials, manufacturing and design Sensors, robotics, and automation IT, data analytics, and modelling Vision Mātauranga (VM) Building New Zealand’s Innovation Capacity (Portfolio 1)
Vision Mātauranga Our Vision Mātauranga integrates western science and mātauranga Māori (knowledge). It guides researchers to help them embed purposeful and mutually beneficial relationships with Māori.
Portfolio approach Portfolio 1: Building New Zealand’s innovation capacity Portfolio 2: Agricultural and environmental technologies Portfolio 3: Health and medical technologies Portfolio 4: Smart services Portfolio 5: Materials, manufacturing processes and applications
The big picture
Why seed projects ? Bring in new ideas Expand researcher community Provide balance to top-down approach of Portfolios & Spearheads. Potential for successful seeds to become Spearheads in the future - research refresh
What are we looking for? In 2016 the Challenge will fund 8-10 projects with some or all of the following characteristics: 1.Alignment to Challenge themes (not Portfolios or Spearheads) 2.Novel stretch science 3.Potential to contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth. Each funded Seed Project will receive up to $100,000 per year for a maximum of three years
How we decide
Assessment Criteria
How to apply Single-stage process Full proposals are submitted for assessment via Callaghan Innovation IMS Portal by 31 May Search : ‘Seed Projects’ on Callaghan Innovation website for all relevant information
Callaghan Innovation IMS Portal Straight forward user interface Ask your Research Office if you need help
Where to next? Our ten year plan