ISC La Ville du Bois France Press Conference November, 9th 2015
INTRODUCTION: ERASMUS programm and the DIRES project Presentation of the DIRES project I- History II- European Partnership III- Presentation of the partners: GERMANY IRELAND ITALY TURKEY France IV- Productions V- Questions
Erasmus + Programme Countries and more One priority in Education is to develop Cooperation between schools Access to employment for all people in Europe DIRES Project : In France: 67 projects were selected out of the 186 submissions 5 countries and six schools: France- Germany- Ireland- Italy- Turkey (2 schools)
Transnational mobilities: 7 mobilities to 5 countries 5 for students 2 for staff For the 6 schools: 184 participants and 42 SEN students For the ISC school: 34 participants and 8 SEN students Hostschool for 2 mobilities: *8-13 November 2015: 11 staff members, 2 headmasters *17-23 January 2016: students and staff Aims : To change the attitudes and representations of those students with Special Educational Needs or those without disabilities To build a European network of inclusive schools To develop the independent travel of SEN students and involve them in European projects To share innovative ideas
D D /Disability: students with disablilities or without working together I/ Inclusive schools in a European network R R/Respect of differences in cultures, traditions, languages, religions, schools E E/Education and cooperation in Europe S S/Social dialogue : No barriers
DARE The project idea was formed 2013 as DARE ( Diasbled: Accept- Respect- Empathy) And then theTurkish team created an excellent partnership by using e-twinning and facebook group. Now it’s t ı me to raise our DIRES project onto an European Platform with collaboration from all partner countries.
ISC, La Ville du Bois France Istituto Comprensivo J. Stella, Muro Lucano Italy, Manisa Turkey - Murat Germen Secondary School, Şehzadeler - Fatih Vefik Kitapcigil Ilkokulu (FVK), Merkez, Manisa Turkey - Murat Germen Secondary School, Şehzadeler - Fatih Vefik Kitapcigil Ilkokulu (FVK), Merkez Helen-Keller- Schule, Maulburg Germany Our Lady of Fatima School, Wexford Ireland Our Lady of Fatima School, Wexford Ireland
Et Bonjour! & Merhaba! & Buongiorno! & Hallo!
The place we work and live!
School system in Baden-Württemberg Grundschule Gemeinschaftsschule SBBZ RealschuleWerkrealschule Gymnasium 4 years 5 – 8 years
Helen-Keller-School Maulburg School for Intellectual Difficulties School for Physically Handicapped Department for physically handicapped Department for Intellectual Difficulties School kindergarten for Intellectual / Physical Difficulties children 87 pupils Educational background: Elementary school, „Förderschule“, school for Intellectual Difficulties 17 pupils in an inclusive setting (included trained) Age: 6 to 13 years 118 pupils 22 pupils in an inclusive setting (included trained) BVE (job preparation institution) Age: 6 to 21 years 21 pupils Age: 6 to 7 years
Helen-Keller-School Maulburg School for Intellectual Difficulties, School for physically handicapped Consultation and excellence center for Physical Disabilities Consultation, support and diagnostics for physically handicapped pupils in regular schools and kindergarten in the administrative district Lörrach. About 80 pupils in several schools.
Inclusiv models at the Helen-Keller School GrundschuleGemeinschaftsschule In the communal school mixed-ability teaching and consultation by the special needs teacher takes place for few hours during the week. Most of the time in groups, in some cases also single lessons. About 30 pupils in 4 schools In the elemetary school, there are „Inklusionsklassen“. From 4 to 6 pupils with intellectual and physical difficulties are included /trained in a regular class. In exceptional situation just one pupil is included in a regular class. About 6 classes in 6 schools.
Helen-Keller School Choir & Music School Steinen
Our town Wexford is situated in the South- East of Ireland. It is a coastal, harbour town surrounded by beaches. We have direct contact with France through Rosslare Europort. We are known for our Creamery, fishing, historical sites, strawberries and music.
Our school caters for students with MGDLD. We also provide inclusion for 24 students with ASD. We differentiate the mainstream curriculum offering state exams at mainstream and Special Education level. We have a support teacher that provide both social and life skills instruction to aid the ASD students in their independent and academic life. Mild General Learning Disabilities Students aged 4yrs – 18 yrs. Inclusive of Autistic Spectrum Disorder/ Sensory Needs Staff: Principal 11Class Teachers 12 Special Needs Assistants 1 Support Teacher for ASD Part Time Cookery & Part Time ART Teacher Pre School Class (J1) Junior School Middle School Senior School Adapted Main Stream Curriculum Social Skills Training Junior Certificate State Exams Class Size 11:1 1 SNA per Class Volunteers Extra Curricula Horse Riding School Trips Life Skills Trips Swimming Sports Tournaments All Ireland winning Choir Guitar Lessons
Swimming in the local hotel, horse-riding and equine therapy – local equestrian centre. Life Skills: eating in restaurants, money management, banking and ATM, School postage, shopping for school needs, using local transport, getting to know my local area and using local facilities (e.g. Cinema, library, bowling etc.) School outings including musical to Dublin (capital), choir competitions by bus. Sporting tournaments against regional special schools which includes travelling long distance, competing and socialising. Students from our school have travelled on previous Comenius trios to Germany, England, Italy and Austria.
1.Friendship – Connectivity 2.Positivity (to promote positive attitudes among children of different abilities) 3. Cultural and professional exchange of ideas 4.Communication 5.Sensory Needs
Glenda McKeown: Co-Ordinator Melissa Sinnott: ASD Support Teacher
2 Teachers 1 SNA – Special Needs Assistant 4 SEN Students ( 2 Male & 2 Female) - ASD January 17 th – 23 rd 2016 LTT to France
Headmistress Miss A.M.F. Pinto National Coordinator Mrs A.F. Mungiello
It consists of three departments schools – Nursery, Primary, Secondary- with 614 students all together aged The three departments are in three different little towns named: Muro Lucano Pescopagano Castelgrande Istituto Comprensivo“Joseph Stella ” is in Basilicata region in the south of Italy, about 95 Km far from Naples.
In our school there are some disabled students but they are in inclusive classes, only some of these Special students have support teachers, for the others, teachers prepare Individual education plans and compensatory tools. All of our students study English and French and are aware of other cultures from their learning at school. They have never travelled abroad but they participate in day trips or longer national school trips, sport competitions and musical performances so that they can compare and share opinions. They also play some instruments: the piano, the guitar, the flute and the drums, as Plato said ………
Learning Mobility for students with staff: Collège du Sacré-Coeur in La Ville du Bois, January 2016 Italian delegation: 8 participants 4 Mainstream Students 2 Teachers 1 SEN Student 1 Special Needs School Our students are working on the project- “DIRES”. They are very enthusiastic for this new activity, they especially look forward to meeting new friends, learn about their customs and other ways of life.
We hope as a result of participation in “DIRES” our students can understand and reach some goals that are important for their independent social life. They need to know that everyone can “shine” because each of them are special and Everyone can shine in their own light. As Mother Teresa said : “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things”. Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality. About difficulties? Well…….as Ernest Shackleton said : “ Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all ”.
It is in the Agean Region which is located in the western part of Turkey. It is called the city of shahzadahs. In ancient times, the sons of the Emperors were educated for the throne here. So Manisa has a lot of madrasahs. It is famous for its tulips and vineyards.
We are two Turkish Schools situated in the centre of Manisa and in the same district. But We haven’t the same social context and scope of work. Fatih Vefik Kitapçıgil has immigration and unemployment problems.
The fundamental policy is to educate children with disabilities in a way that allows them to interact with other children as much as possible, to support their integration in society. The aim applies to children with visual, hearing or physical impairment as well as children with behavioural, social or learning difficulties. If the disability allows, a child attends regular school classes. However, depending on the level of their disability, education may take place in Special Classes. AIM :FUNCTIONS:
The key point in the procedure is observation time at the school, to assess whether he/she needs Special Educational Intervention SEN children are assessed by the Class Teacher and the Guidance Counsellor. Application is then made to the Guidance Study Centre in the district of residence; a hospital-issued disability health report is required. After this assessment procedure, an Individualised Education Plan is prepared to aid the integration of the student.
School Trip Activites Wall and Board Activities Sport Activities Theatre Activities Cooperation with Families
Institution du Sacré-Cœur Located 25 km in the South of Paris Catholic private school under contract with the government Two divisions: Collège (aged 11-15) Lycée (aged ) 1531 students & 86 teachers
ULIS plan in France = plan for students with special needs for inclusion in regular schools Staff Christine Magne, Coordinator for ULIS and mathematics teacher Muriel Saker, Substitute teacher Christophe Maggio, Special needs teaching assistant English, sport and art teachers: 2h/week Involvement of the educational community ULIS plan at ISC College 10 students INCLUSION IN LE COLLEGE Number of Ulis students in France Institution du Sacré-Cœur
The ULIS students special educational needs are : - Difficulties and delayed learning - Learning disorder (Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysphasia, dyspraxia) - Difficulties in logical reasoning, in abstract thinking - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, attention disorder… How is inclusion organised ? The students in inclusion take part in the ordinary lessons Some students: practically all the lessons, a few students: only 5 hours/week Some of them are accompanied by a special needs teaching assistant Special needs students students having academic difficulties average student (Very) good students CONTINUITY : The ULIS students live the same life as mainstream students at the canteen or in the playgrounds ADAPT !
Specialised, differentiated teaching method Knowing each student ’ s disorder – and strong points, we adapt ! Examples : modelisations are developed or oral skills are trained or visual support is used … and so on ULIS dedicated classroom when students are not with mainstream students In ULIS, Everyone is placed in a successful position makes progress at his own pace expresses himself quarrels and helps others Laughs and cries Mainstream students are welcome to work with us and often do happily
ULIS students take part in educational visits outside of the school
Our HOPES: To involve the whole community of our school to be part of the project and to get benefit from it ! To Learn from other European projects To Show the students other perceptions from different countries. Thank you ! « Moi Président de la République», mon programme sera : une ULIS dans chaque collège. (Raphaël,élève de l’ULIS) Mikael, 16, was admitted in a regular technical college (lycée pro), hotel reception Some go to ULIS lycée Others go to a special structure (SIFPRO) to gain independence and employment while staying in a protected environment Future choices (studies, training, job) are prepared in ULIS [ « When I am President of France I will have a ULIS in each collège » ]
Productions! A European cookbook A European book with our Kamishibaï tales Maps of virtual travel of students discovering the five countries of the project, and Europe PowerPoint presentations Videos and students diaries Concrete and fun learning activities with SEN students and mainstream students A methodological information sheet to help teachers integrate disabled students in their European transnational mobilities (staff) A booklet about this European experience of inclusion of SEN students in transnational mobilities (staff) Dissemination of the project on European Platforms (eTwinning- EST- VALOR), schoolwebsites, newspapers, etc.
Thank you for your attention and enjoy the possibility to be together thanks to The European programm Erasmus+ and our DIRES Project ! Powerpoint: Dires European partnership Coordination French team: Headmaster : Mr. Bruno JAMMES - French Coordinator : Danielle Lavollée