Parliamentary Procedure Understanding the Basics
What is Parliamentary Procedure?
What is Parliamentary Procedure? Parliamentary Procedure is a systematic method of conducting business at meetings.
Where is Parliamentary Procedure Used?
United States Congress Georgia General Assembly Church Business Meetings Civic Meetings Conventions Anywhere a group wishes to conduct business.
What are the objectives of Parliamentary Procedure?
Consider one thing at a time.
What are the objectives of Parliamentary Procedure? Consider one thing at a time. Courtesy to everyone.
What are the objectives of Parliamentary Procedure? Consider one thing at a time. Courtesy to everyone. Rule of the majority.
What are the objectives of Parliamentary Procedure? Consider one thing at a time. Courtesy to everyone. Rule of the majority. Protect rights of the minority
Where may I find the rules for Parliamentary Procedure? The book, Robert’s Rules of Order, is considered the authority or final word on Parliamentary Procedure.
Understanding Basic Parliamentary Procedure Terms Chair – The person presiding. Generally addressed as Mr. or Madam Chairman
Understanding Basic Parliamentary Procedure Terms Chair – The person presiding. Generally addressed as Mr. or Madam Chairman Floor – The right to speak.
Understanding Basic Parliamentary Procedure Terms Chair – The person presiding. Generally addressed as Mr. or Madam Chairman Floor – The right to speak. Majority – One more than ½ of the votes cast.
Understanding Basic Parliamentary Procedure Terms Chair – The person presiding. Generally addressed as Mr. or Madam Chairman Floor – The right to speak. Majority – One more than ½ of the votes cast. Quorum – The number of members that must be present for business to be conducted.
Additional Terms Plurality – The most votes, but not enough for a majority.
Use of the Gavel The gavel is the symbol of authority and is controlled by the Chair.
Wake up!!! Hang in there, you will one day be glad you learned this.
Use of the Gavel The gavel is the symbol of authority and is controlled by the Chair. 1 Tap means sit. 1 tap also follows the announcement of the verdict in a vote and adjournment of the meeting.
Use of the Gavel The gavel is the symbol of authority and is controlled by the Chair. 1 Tap means sit. 1 tap also follows the announcement of the verdict in a vote and adjournment of the meeting. 2 Taps calls the meeting to order
Use of the Gavel The gavel is the symbol of authority and is controlled by the Chair. 1 Tap means sit. 1 tap also follows the announcement of the verdict in a vote and adjournment of the meeting. 2 Taps calls the meeting to order 3 Taps mean stand
Receiving and Disposing of a Main Motion
Main Motion Begin by rising and addressing the Chair: “Mr. Chairman”.
Main Motion Begin by rising and addressing the Chair: “Mr. Chairman”. Wait for recognition before speaking: “The Chair recognizes John”.
Main Motion Begin by rising and addressing the Chair: “Mr. Chairman”. Wait for recognition before speaking: “The Chair recognizes John”. Present your motion: “I move that FFA take a trip to the Daytona 500”.
Main Motion The Chair will call for a second: “ Is there a second?”
Main Motion The Chair will call for a second: “ Is there a second?” Any member may second the motion: “I second the motion”.
Main Motion The Chair will call for a second: “ Is there a second?” Any member may second the motion: “I second the motion”. The Chair will re-state the motion: “It has been moved and seconded that FFA take a trip to the Daytona 500. ”
Main Motion The Chair will ask if there is any discussion: “Is there any discussion on the motion?”
Main Motion The Chair will ask if there is any discussion: “Is there any discussion on the motion?” Discussion will occur now. You must be recognized by the Chair before speaking.
Main Motion Chair will bring motion to a vote: “Is there any further discussion? If not we shall proceed to vote”.
Methods of Voting Voice Vote – Very fast but not very accurate.
Methods of Voting Voice Vote – Very fast but not very accurate. Rising Vote – Not as fast but more accurate than a Voice Vote.
Methods of Voting Voice Vote – Very fast but not very accurate. Rising Vote – Not as fast but more accurate than a Voice Vote. Ballot Vote – Much slower than Rising Vote but very accurate. Allows recount.
Methods of Voting Voice Vote – Very fast but not very accurate. Rising Vote – Not as fast but more accurate than a Voice Vote. Ballot Vote – Much slower than Rising Vote but very accurate. Allows recount.
Methods of Voting Voice Vote – Very fast but not very accurate. Rising Vote – Not as fast but more accurate than a Voice Vote. Ballot Vote – Much slower than Rising Vote but very accurate. Allows recount. Roll Call – Very slow but extremely accurate.
Main Motion The Chair will put the motion to a vote: “All in favor of the motion please stand…Thank you, be seated. All opposed please stand…Thank you, be seated. The motion passes (or fails). Tap gavel.
Don’t sit there like a knot on a log! Get involved and give it a try. You learn more by participating.
Receiving and Disposing of an Amendment
What is the purpose of an amendment?
To modify the original motion.
How can a motion be amended?
By adding words. (Examples are dates, times, location or other specifics).
How can a motion be amended? By adding words. (Examples are dates, times, location or other specifics). By deleting words.
How can a motion be amended? By adding words. (Examples are dates, times, location or other specifics). By deleting words. By substituting words.
How can a motion be amended? By adding words. (Examples are dates, times, location or other specifics). By deleting words. By substituting words. By dividing the question.
How do I amend a motion? Begin by obtaining recognition from the chair.
How do I amend a motion? Begin by obtaining recognition from the chair. State your amendment: “I move to amend the motion by adding the words February 8.”
How do I amend a motion? Begin by obtaining recognition from the chair. State your amendment: “I move to amend the motion by adding the words February 8.” In all cases begin by stating “I move to amend the motion by…”. (Obviously there must be a motion on the floor to amend)
How do I amend a motion? The amendment must be seconded.
How do I amend a motion? The amendment must be seconded. Discuss the amendment
How do I amend a motion? The amendment must be seconded. Discuss the amendment. Vote on the amendment. This means decide if you are going to change the motion!
How do I amend a motion? The amendment must be seconded. Discuss the amendment. Vote on the amendment. This means decide if you are going to change the motion! Finish discussing the main motion. This is either the original or amended motion.
How do I amend a motion? The amendment must be seconded. Discuss the amendment. Vote on the amendment. This means decide if you are going to change the motion! Finish discussing the main motion. This is either the original or amended motion. Vote on the main motion last!
Referring a motion to a committee.
What is the purpose for referring a motion to a committee?
The primary reason a motion is referred to a committee is to obtain more information.
What is the purpose for referring a motion to a committee? The primary reason a motion is referred to a committee is to obtain more information. The committee may investigate the cost of an item, the availability of a facility, or any other piece of information.
What is the purpose for referring a motion to a committee? The primary reason a motion is referred to a committee is to obtain more information. The committee may investigate the cost of an item, the availability of a facility, or any other piece of information. The committee may be a “Standing Committee” or an “Ad Hoc Committee”.
How do I refer to a committee? Move to refer the motion to a committee. Say, “I move to refer this motion to a committee of three, appointed by the chair”.
How do I refer to a committee? Move to refer the motion to a committee. Say, “I move to refer this motion to a committee of three, appointed by the chair”. You must specify the committee: the recreation committee, committee of 4 appointed by the chair, or whatever.
How do I refer to a committee? After getting a second and re-stating the motion, the Chair asks for discussion.
How do I refer to a committee? After getting a second and re-stating the motion, the Chair asks for discussion. After discussion the motion to refer is voted on.
How do I refer to a committee? After getting a second and re-stating the motion, the Chair asks for discussion. After discussion the motion to refer is voted on. If it fails, the original motion is still on the floor.
How do I refer to a committee? After getting a second and re-stating the motion, the Chair asks for discussion. After discussion the motion to refer is voted on. If it fails, the original motion is still on the floor. If it passes, no action is taken until the committee reports.
How do I refer to a committee? At the next meeting, the committee will give a report on their findings.
How do I refer to a committee? At the next meeting, the committee will give a report on their findings. After the committee report is made, the motion is back on the floor for discussion. Members now should have enough information to vote on the motion.
The End