A MOVEMENT TO BENEFIT CHILDREN WITH AUTISM Molly Bishop, Mount Hebron High School DEBORAH L. BARROW Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center Millersville, Maryland The Effect of Physical Therapy on Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Summary of Presentation: Question Background Research & Hypothesis Internship Data Collection Results Product Future Plans
Can physical therapy exercises and strengthening help reduce the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children? Question
Background Autism has no cure. It is a development disorder that affects major and minor motor skills in the body. Research on autism is still being developed. No single treatment will be correct for every person affected by ASD.
Research & Hypothesis Physical therapy can help strengthen muscle tone. It also helps improve gross motor skills that children with ASD struggled forming as an infant. Walking Running Standing up It helps reduce physical immobility.
Internship Observe all the therapists work with their patients. Talk to patients and help evaluate their reason for pain. Help get ice and heat packs ready for patients.
Research at Internship I observe orthopaedic physical therapy for all sorts of injuries. I am able to talk to and work with both adult and student patients.
Data Collection Correlation Research Researched the goals and aspects of physical therapy Learned the symptoms and impairments with ASD. Compared the two variables. Survey Research Developed a survey that discussed… Treatment Options Behavioral Patterns Possible Benefits Gave survey to Best Buddies Program and Assistants
Overall Results Physical therapy DOES benefit children diagnosed with ASD. Physical therapy can provide exercises to build up the muscles reducing low muscle tone. It can improve strength, endurance, coordination, and balance along with sensory skills and execution of motion. It also reduces uncontrollable behavior. It benefits mental development and growth, which promotes independence.
Product My final product will be a pamphlet that displays my research from the year. It will show the benefits that physical therapy has on children with autism. It will be placed outside the Best Buddies room for students and adults who work along side these children to use.
Future of Autism Autism is growing with the more awareness we have of it. It is expected to continue to increase unless we take action.
Further Research Plan I will continue to attend my internship and learn more about the aspects of physical therapy. I will attend St. Francis University in the Pre-Physical Therapy program. Throughout college, I will hopefully continue to research physical therapy for Autism.
Physical therapy not only will affect these children but improve their symptoms, so that they can grow to be more independent and have the opportunity for a bright future. Conclusion
Work Cited "Autism." Cincinnati Children's. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, n.d. Web. 26 Sept Lang, Russell, Lynn Kern Koegel, and Kristen Ashbaugh. Physical Exercise and Individuals withAutism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review. N.p.: Elsevier, Web. Redlich, Joni, Dr. "Autism Spectrum Disorders and Physical Therapy: The Motor Connection." Kid PT. Ed. Joni Redlich, Dr. Price Point Web, 25 Jan Web. 11 Sept "Therapy Services." Southwest Human Development. Southwest Human Development, Web. 5 Dec Vann, Madeline. "How Physical Therapy Helps Autistic Children." Ed. Cynthia Haines, MD. Everyday Health. Everyday Health Media, 12 Jan Web. 11 Sept