Varicose Veins Power point by: Laurie Harriet Amber Gabby
Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins – usually blue or dark purple – that usually occur on the legs. They may also be lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance. ptelh5aM%3A
Factors Increasing Risks of Varicose veins There are certain factors that increase the risk of a person developing varicose veins. These are: Obesity- being over weight puts added pressure on the veins, which means they have to work harder than they would if the person was of a healthy weight. Age- ageing causes wear and tear on the valves within the veins, eventually the valves will allow blood to flow backwards into the veins instead of flowing to the heart. This will allow the blood to collect. Genetics- You have an increased chance of developing varicose veins if a close relative has the condition. Gender- research shows that females have an increased chance of developing varicose veins than male as they release hormones that relaxes the vein wall, making the valves more likely to leak. Occupation- If a persons occupation requires them to stand up for long periods of time this will increase the risk of varicose veins as the blood does not flow as well when standing for a long time.
In the minority of cases, varicose veins could also be caused by: Pregnancy- pregnancy increases your chance of developing varicose veins for a number of different reasons. Blood flow is increased during pregnancy, which puts added pressure on the veins. The increased hormones during pregnancy causes the vein walls to leak which can cause the valves to become leaky. As the womb begins to grow during pregnancy it can put added pressure on the veins in the pelvis causing them to become varicose. In the minority of cases, varicose veins could also be caused by: A swelling of tumour in the pelvis A previous blood clot Abnormal blood vessels
Valves in the vein Within veins there are a series of valves which allow the blood to flow through the vein. These valves are designed to close in order to stop the blood flowing the wrong way. varicose veins are the result of the valves growing weak.
What happens to the valve to cause varicose veins? What happens to the valve to cause varicose veins? Varicose veins are the result of the valves in the vein growing weak and becoming insufficient. The valves become insufficient due to a variety of different factors (Obesity, old age and pregnancy etc.). This results in the blood being able to travel two ways in the vein, causing the veins to enlarge and swell, resulting in Varicose veins.
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Symptoms of Varicose Veins Varicose veins are dark purple or blue. They are usually twisted and look as if they are enlarged. Some people with varicose veins may experience pain or discomfort. Symptoms of varicose veins can also include: - Aching, heavy and uncomfortable legs - Swollen feet and ankles - Burning or throbbing in your legs - Muscle cramp in your legs, particularly at night - Dry, itchy and thin skin over the affected vein Varicose veins usually develop on the legs, either on the back of your calf or on the inside of your leg. However, they can also sometimes occur in other parts of your body, such as your: - Oesophagus - Uterus - Vagina - Pelvis - Rectum (back passage)
Diagnosis of Varicose Veins If you have varicose veins but don’t feel any pain or discomfort, you may not have to visit your GP. They are rarely serious and do not require treatment usually. The GP will diagnose varicose veins by the look of them, whilst standing up to check for signs of swelling. You may also be asked to describe any pain you have and whether there are situations that make your varicose veins worse. For example, some women find their menstrual cycle affects their varicose veins. The GP will be interested in medical history such as family medical history and also if there has been any deep thrombosis within the family or yourself. The doctor will refer you to a vascular specialist if he is concerned with any problems such as; - Changes in the colour of the skin on your leg that may be caused by problems with the blood flow in the leg - Varicose veins that are hard and painful that may be caused by problems with the blood flow in the leg - A healed or unhealed leg ulcer
Treatment-Ablation! This is a treatment for varicose veins. Ablation is a procedure that is an invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency or laser energy to cauterize (burn) and close abnormally enlarged veins in the legs.
How the procedure works Using ultrasound to visualize the enlarged vein, a catheter or vascular access sheath is inserted through the skin and positioned within the abnormal vein. A laser fiber or radiofrequency electrode is then inserted through the catheter and advanced to the desired location. Laser or radiofrequency energy is then applied, heating the vessel and causing it to close. Following the procedure, the faulty vein will shrink and "scar down.“ Using ultrasound guidance, the catheter is inserted through the skin into the vein and positioned within the abnormal vein. The laser fiber or radiofrequency electrode is inserted through the catheter and the tip of the fiber or electrode is exposed by pulling the catheter back slightly. Local anesthetic is injected around the abnormal vein with ultrasound guidance. Laser or radiofrequency energy is applied as the catheter is slowly withdrawn
Benefits of Ablation No surgical incision is needed—only a small nick in the skin that does not have to be stitched closed. When compared with traditional vein stripping techniques, endovenous ablation is more effective, has fewer complications, and is associated with much less pain during recovery. Endovenous ablation is generally complication-free and safe. This procedure leaves virtually no scars because catheter placement requires skin openings of only a few millimetres, not large incisions. Endovenous ablation offers a less invasive alternative to standard surgery. Most of the veins treated are effectively invisible even to ultrasound 12 months after the procedure. Most patients report symptom relief and are able to return to normal daily activities immediately, with little or no pain
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