Nonverbal Communication Techniques for speech with Lyon
Posture The position or bearing of the body
Posture Tips Feet Shoulder width apart, shoulders square Don’t lock your legs Straight, formal posture Do not rock or sway Use T-Stance Exude confidence and enthusiasm Feet Shoulder width apart, shoulders square Don’t lock your legs Straight, formal posture Do not rock or sway Use T-Stance Exude confidence and enthusiasm
Movement Tips Keep movement limited to transitions. Avoid nervous or unnecessary pacing. There should be a reason for all movement. Keep movement limited to transitions. Avoid nervous or unnecessary pacing. There should be a reason for all movement.
Judging Posture/Movement 3: Consistently effective use of posture/movement. 2: Some effective use of posture/movement 1: Consistently ineffective use of posture/movement 0: Speech is not given. 3: Consistently effective use of posture/movement. 2: Some effective use of posture/movement 1: Consistently ineffective use of posture/movement 0: Speech is not given.
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Eye Contact Communication that involves looking directly into the eyes of audience members.
Eye Contact Tips Make direct eye contact Hold contact for a complete thought. Scan the room and find new eyes to make contact with. Do not lock in and stare at one person Make direct eye contact Hold contact for a complete thought. Scan the room and find new eyes to make contact with. Do not lock in and stare at one person
Judging Eye-Contact 3: Eye-contact is consistently and effectively used 2: Some eye-contact used and/or ineffective eye-contact used 1: Little to no eye-contact used 0: Speech is not given. 3: Eye-contact is consistently and effectively used 2: Some eye-contact used and/or ineffective eye-contact used 1: Little to no eye-contact used 0: Speech is not given.
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Gestures The use of motions of the body, especially the arms and hands, as a means of expression
Hands/Gestures Should be at waist when not gesturing. Do not fidget and keep hands out of pockets Gestures should be above the waist They should be natural to speaker and not forced Don’t be overly dynamic Should be at waist when not gesturing. Do not fidget and keep hands out of pockets Gestures should be above the waist They should be natural to speaker and not forced Don’t be overly dynamic
Judging Gestures 3: consistent and effective use of gestures 2: occasional and/or ineffective use of gestures 1: Little to no gestures used 0: Speech is not given. 3: consistent and effective use of gestures 2: occasional and/or ineffective use of gestures 1: Little to no gestures used 0: Speech is not given.
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Facial Expressions Communication that is executed using the muscles of the face.
Facial Expression Tips The face is the most expressive part of you (even more than your voice), and the eyes are the window to the soul. Eyes can be winked. An eyebrow can be raised. A mouth can smile or frown. A forehead can be wrinkled. A nose can be scrunched. The face is the most expressive part of you (even more than your voice), and the eyes are the window to the soul. Eyes can be winked. An eyebrow can be raised. A mouth can smile or frown. A forehead can be wrinkled. A nose can be scrunched.
Judging Facial Expressions 3: consistent and effective use of facial expressions 2: occasional and/or ineffective use of facial expressions. 1: Little to no use of facial expressions 0: Speech is not given. 3: consistent and effective use of facial expressions 2: occasional and/or ineffective use of facial expressions. 1: Little to no use of facial expressions 0: Speech is not given.
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Enthusiasm (of the physical nature)
Enthusiasm Tips Physical enthusiasm is exuded through… A confident and buoyant posture. Purposeful movement. Firm, animated gestures. Animated facial expressions (especially smiles). A confident and buoyant posture. Purposeful movement. Firm, animated gestures. Animated facial expressions (especially smiles).
Judging Physical Enthusiasm 3: consistent and appropriate enthusiasm conveyed 2: some enthusiasm or inappropriate enthusiasm conveyed. 1: Little or no enthusiasm conveyed. 0: Speech is not given. 3: consistent and appropriate enthusiasm conveyed 2: some enthusiasm or inappropriate enthusiasm conveyed. 1: Little or no enthusiasm conveyed. 0: Speech is not given.
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Script Use (it is a cane, not a wheelchair)
Script Use Manuscript should be held with only one hand Do not play with manuscript – it’s very distracting Manuscripts should only be used for a reference in case the speaker loses his or her place. Manuscript should be held with only one hand Do not play with manuscript – it’s very distracting Manuscripts should only be used for a reference in case the speaker loses his or her place.
Judging Script Use 3: script/card was used only as a reference, was handled appropriately, and didn’t hinder performance 2: script/card was relied upon too much and/or was occasionally handled inappropriately. 1: Script/Card was mainly read and/or was handled inappropriately 0: Speech is not given. 3: script/card was used only as a reference, was handled appropriately, and didn’t hinder performance 2: script/card was relied upon too much and/or was occasionally handled inappropriately. 1: Script/Card was mainly read and/or was handled inappropriately 0: Speech is not given.
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