TED Unit 2 Lesson 1
QUESTIONS TO PONDER… When did technology begin? What were the first inventions? How did technology impact humans?
PALEOLITHIC AGE BC (490,000 years) Earliest known stone tool manufacture Artifacts: stone axes, bone needles, hearth sites Impacts on history: Improved diet, helped enable early humans to increase their numbers.
MESOLITHIC AGE BC (6,000 years) Rise in dominance of microlithics Artifacts: leatherwork, basketry, fishing tackle, stone axes and wooden objects, canoes and bows, domesticated animals, stone circles, hinges Impacts on History: Domestication of plants and animals led to the beginning of settled communities.
NEOLITHIC AGE BC (1,700 years) Development of agriculture and year-round settlements Artifacts: pottery, polished stone tools, spinning and weaving tools, wooden plows, sickles Impact on history: Dependable year round food supply, division of labor and specialization that further drives invention and innovation
FUN FACTS! Mesopotamian engineers: clay tablets to document irrigation systems, “city” plans, etc. Babylonian engineers: mathematical concepts for land excavation calculations Egyptian engineers: built pyramids and complex irrigation systems
BRONZE AGE BC (1,600 years) Earliest civilizations and development of metallurgy Copper + Tin = Bronze Artifacts: bronze jewelry, tools, weapons Impact on History: Stone tools being replaced by metal ones; helped humans alter environment at a great rate
IRON AGE 700 BC – 450 AD (1,150 years) Iron used as main metal Artifacts: iron chisels, ornamental jewelry, swords, axes, spearheads Impact on History: Military starting to find uses for iron weapons; iron-bladed plows enabled humans to increase food production
FUN FACTS! Greek Engineers: created crossbow and catapult to conquer territories Roman engineers: created aqueduct systems, sanitary systems, and road systems. First steam engine created during Roman Empire
MIDDLE AGE AD (950 years) Right in the middle! Artifacts: wheeled plow, horseshoes, waterwheels, windmill, cast iron, cannons, compass, ocean-going ships Impact on History: rise of money and capitalism, beginning of urbanization and industrialization
FUN FACTS! The word engineer began to appear Comes from the Latin word “ingenaire”-to design or devise Arab: developing paper and chemistry applications Chinese: developing clocks, gunpowder, and astronomical instruments
RENAISSANCE AD (350 years) Artifacts: telescope, microscope, thermometer, clocks, barometer Impact on History: Instrumentation allowed scientists to observe and test natural phenomena
ENGINEER SPOTLIGHT: Leonardo daVinci Born in Italy in 1452 Began career as an artist Painting and Sculpting Put to work designing weapons, buildings, and machinery Credited for first Helicopter design
ENGINEER SPOTLIGHT: Galileo Born in Italy in 1564 Discovered many physics property Credited for inventing the Telescope
INDUSTRIAL AGE AD (200 years) First use of complex machinery and factories; moving away from agricultural societies Artifacts: steam engine, electricity, automobile, airplane, radio, television, telephone, rocket Impact on History: Rise of urban centers requiring municipal services; expanding population, living standards improved
ENGINEER SPOTLIGHT! James Watts Refines steam engine for practical use Alessandro Volta Discovers principles for a battery Henry Ford Creates concept of the Assembly Line
INFORMATION AGE (65+ years) Gathering, manipulation, classification, storage, and retrieval of information Artifacts: transistor, IC, computer, satellite, digital photography, artificial heart, nuclear power plants, space shuttle Impact on History: Scattering of decision making processes and empowering more people