Unit One Block Four Lecture (Ages of History)
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An Age or period is “is a large interval of time with a definite characteristic.” Unfortunately, Ages do not neatly line up with eras. There are several points in history where an age overlaps two eras. Click me Ancient EraClassical Era Iron Age
Prehistoric is time before when humans kept written records (usually anything before 3300 BCE/BC) Prehistoric Eras and Ages are identical! ◦ Old Stone Age = Paleolithic era (2,000,000 to 10,000 BCE/BC). ◦ New Stone Age = Neolithic Era – 10,000 BCE/BC to 3300 BCE/BC Click Here Prehistoric AgesBronze AgeIron Age Medieval Ages Renaissance
The Bronze age ushers in civilization! ◦ Bronze Age BCE/BC to 1200 BCE/BC (Mesopotamia to early Greece) Bronze technology (weapons and tools) change the way we live ◦ Iron Age – 1200 BCE/BC to 500 CE/AD (Early Greece to the very end of Rome). Iron is the metal upon which civilization rises and falls. Click here Prehistoric AgesBronze AgeIron Age Medieval Ages Renaissance
Things take time to fall apart and to rebuild ◦ Dark Age – 400 CE/AD to 1000 CE/AD (Church is in charge and it’s very bad in Europe) ◦ Middle Age/High Middle – 1000 to 1300 CE/AD (growth of European kingdoms (France, England, Spain, Portugal and Germany)). Click here Prehistoric AgesBronze AgeIron Age Medieval Ages Renaissance
The Renaissance is the first age in the modern era. This is the “rebirth” of civilization. ◦ The Renaissance CE/AD to 1500 CE/AD (rebirth of culture, city-states form in Italy, art, literature, thought, music and science begin to flourish). Prehistoric AgesBronze AgeIron Age Medieval Ages Renaissance Click here