Glenn Miller
Birthdate/Birthplace Born March 1, 1904 Miller was born on a farm in Clarinda He went missing December 15, 1944
Facts about Millers life He attended grade school in North Platte, Nebraska. Miller's family moved to Grant City, Missouri. 1918, the Miller family moved to Fort Morgan, Colorado, where Miller went to high school. In 1923, Miller entered the University of Colorado at Boulder. He dropped out of school after failing three out of five classes one semester.
Facts about Miller’s music Miller had finally made enough money from milking cows to buy his first trombone and played in the town orchestra. In his senior year Miller became very interested in a new style of music called “Dance Band Music”. He spent most of his time away from school, attending auditions. He decided to concentrate on making a career as a professional musician. He later studied the Schillinger technique with Joseph Schillinger, under whose tutelage he composed what became his signature theme, Moonlight Serenade.
Type of music The type of music he played was Swing, which was a combination of Pop and Jazz. Also was called “Big Band Music”
5 Famous Miller Songs In the mood Moonlight serenade Pennsylvania Chattanooga Choo-Choo American Patrol
Sources ography.html ography.html glenn-miller-ep/id glenn-miller-ep/id