PowerPoint Presentation Music Appreciation Mr. Scheuch
Day 1 Pre-test Jazz development by decade Project Rubric Presentation Groups
Pre-test You have 20 minutes to fill in as much information as you can. If there is something you do not know, leave it blank Use the pre-test as a guide for the information that you will be asked to gather.
Jazz Development by decades Be able to name, by decade, each of the following Jazz Developments: Dixieland, Swing, Big Band, Bebop, Cool Jazz, and Fusion Name the musical characteristics that distinguish each development. Name at least one composer and his or her instrument from each development. Put developments into historical context using major world events as reference points.
Project Rubric PowerPoint Content Oral Presentation Project Requirements Works Cited page Project Organization
Presentation Groups Divide into groups of three Student #1 – Research the historical events from each appropriate decade and its impact on Jazz Development. Student #2 – Research the similarities and differences of the different developments of Jazz music. Student #3 – Collaborate with the other two students in your group to locate appropriate audio and visual supplements for your presentation.
Day 2 Evaluate the results of the pre-test for the members of your group. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your group members to decide which area on which each student focuses. Devise a group plan to be ready to approach the research in the computer lab.
Days 3 and 4 Students 1 and 2 develop separate PowerPoint presentations that focus on your individual topic. Instruct Student 3 toward specific goals for collecting audio and visual references. Make sure you tag all locations of information.
Day 5 Combine PowerPoint presentations so that all slides are together. Coordinate audio and visual references to match slides. Review backgrounds, fonts, and functionality of all components for proper audience viewing.
Day 6 Each group will present their projects to the class. Students 1 and 2 will orally present their contributions to the project. Student 3 will operate the computer. Students will receive grades based on the overall group project, not individual contribution.