Capital High School Radon Project Clarice Burger, Rebekah Fleury, Logan Laity, Grant Steichen, Lexi Tielking, Sarah Urban, Emily Williams, Morgan Williams
The origination of the radon project: Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest: Raise student interest in STEM subjects nationwide through innovative programs with our partners that will help us all build a better tomorrow. 1. Describe an important issue in your school’s community today. What is the biggest hurdle your students face that hinders their academic achievement? Explain how you could apply STEM to address the above issue
Central Ideas Connect to the STEM subjects Impact the local community Student centered Complete with a budget of $0 Engage 91 High School Students Connect with community partners
THE RADON PROJECT STEP 1: Initial Questions: After quick background research we started with a brainstorm session: 1) What is radon? 2) Why should I care? In 30 seconds or less, what is the most important information someone who knew nothing about radon would need to learn? What would someone who was testing their house need to know/learn?
Starting the project (for each class): Brainstorm Essential Questions and research in small groups. Guest Speaker – Bonnie Rouse - DEQ Compile info into two info sheets One for homeowners – One for the public
Morgan Radon Just some of the questions! What is it? Where does it come from? Can I prevent it? How do you test for it? What should I do if my house tests high? Why do radon levels fluctuate? Are public buildings tested? (Schools) Are there laws or regulations about radon? Is it bad for human health? What about the radon health mines?
We did the background research ……. now what? Emily and Clarice BRAINSTORM: How will we get information to the public? Radio News stations Airplane sign Info booths at games, fairs, etc. FlyerNewspaper School Newspaper T-shirtsStickersCar Signs Youtube – rap Hang signs where “old people go” School Website FacebookSnapchatTwitter Helena Classifieds PSA
Community Partners: 100 test kits Guest speaker (THANKS BONNIE!) Expert input! (THANKS JOHN and BONNIE) DEQ $200 for test kits Help with project PR AAA Discount test kits Supplied information, ideas, and support for the project Airchek, Kansas State Radon Program
Other contacts and ideas for extension Lewis and Clark County St. Peter’s Hospital Governor’s Office Home Inspector Radon Mitigation Contractor
How should test kits be distributed? Facebook? Radio/TV ad? Earth day/Home owner shows? Schedule a pickup at CHS? DEQ reported that only a small % of test kits were returned with a higher rate of return from people who requested them.
Organizing 91 students for a project has it’s challenges….. It also has it’s perks!!!! Each student was responsible for 1 test kit. (DEQ kits that had prepaid postage). 79 test kits are out (we have results for about 25) Test kits that are not used will be returned With parental permission, students could design an experiment and opt to run multiple test kits in their homes. All 50 experimental test kits have been distributed with about 45 results returned
Initial Results Initial test results (n=31) 55% of homes above 4.0 pCi/L County data = 49% 59% of homes without reported mitigation) systems Average = 8.6 pCi/L County data = 7.9 pCi/L High = 49.0 pCi/L 4.4 pCi/L
9 - Student Designed Projects (and 2 teacher ones) – Results returned to me – not DEQ Different Levels in a House Crawl Space vs. Living Space vs. Garage Granite Counters Floor, eye level, ceiling State test kit vs. AAA test kit Multiple rooms on one level
Sample Data From Experiments ResidenceCrawl space Lowest level of the House # of times greater in Crawl Space Basement 1st Level% Change Average Change = -27.0%
Questions: Rebekah Questions How is radon level connected to rock type/geologic formations Is there a connection between age of the house and radon level? Suggestions on how to spread info? Many of the answers aren’t found online for easy access. Is there a connection between type of foundation, etc. and radon level? Can anything else affect radon levels? Ex) Fans on metallic dust, construction How do other states compare to Montana? Why? What are the impacts of disturbed sites on radon? (Fill, etc.) Do dry areas produce different results that wetlands?
What we would improve/do differently next time: Check out test kits to students and have them return the kits to me! Possibly have students work in smaller groups to brainstorm and complete background research Complete with a smaller number of students (or have students working on multiple projects). Time the project differently. We had semester tests, State of Montana Testing, registration, etc. that broke the project into parts
What was AWESOME! Most data from students are not shared outside the classroom. This project can make a difference on and individual to state level! Students designed and develop ideas. Great for thinking and asking questions. Students are not given the opportunity to develop and take charge of their own projects (and really struggled at project management!!!). Real-world connections – students can make a difference! At least 2 families are mitigating their homes
Now What???? Analyze Data Develop and test hypotheses Map and GIS? Data Collection Earth Day Booth??? Connect with Lewis and Clark County to share results Extension Newspaper Television Community Outreach Other Ideas???
Student radon questions: (Grant and Marie) Are there any guidelines for publicly used buildings? Do tests occur in schools, office buildings, airports etc? If not, why aren’t there any tests occurring? Schools, for example, require students to attend school for an average of six to seven hours. What about tests there? Have there been any studies on how radon has affected people who have stayed in a largely populated buildings with a higher radon levels as part of their job? Ex: office buildings, schools, government buildings etc. What is the basis for the EPA action level of four in the U.S.? Others?
Helpful sites for students! DEQ - EPA - The students found this page interesting: PDF EPA Radon Lesson Plan - radon-lurking-and-lung-cancer-2015.pdfhttp:// radon-lurking-and-lung-cancer-2015.pdf Kansas State -