The Licensing Act 2003 Susan Ramsey Licensing Officer
Sale and supply of alcohol (Personal Licence holder needed - DPS) Late Night Refreshment Other Regulated Entertainment What does the Act cover
Prevention of Crime and Disorder Public Safety Public Nuisance The Protection of Children from Harm The Licensing Objectives
Applications Submit form to the Licensing Authority and each of the responsible authorities Display a notice in the premises Display a notice in the press No other consultation or notifications
Responsible Authorities Police Fire Authority A Safeguarding Children Body Development Control Environmental Health Trading Standards The Marine and Coastguard Agency (If the premises is a vessel)
Who can Object or Raise a Representation? Any of the Responsible Authorities A person living in the vicinity of the premises in question A body representing persons living in that vicinity e.g. residents association A person or body involved in a business in the vicinity of the premises A Member of a Licensing Authority (Councillor)
The Local Authority No Objections- Must grant the licence If valid objections – must hold a hearing to determine the application (within 20 working days) Determine the application Appeal through the Courts (Applicant/objectors)
Temporary Event Notice TEN Can be used by anyone to have an event without the need for a Personal Licence Only the police can object – must do so within 48 hours
The Licensing Section Town Hall & Civic Offices Westoe Road South Shields Tel: