Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod Ivan Čačić EUMETSAT Council Vice Chair Rising burden of higher membership fees (METOP SG, Jason CS) Update of the EUMETSAT Strategy Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod SKETCH BUDGETS 2016 Member and Cooperating States’ Contributions Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod DECISION of the Croatian Govenment Key challenge Key challenge On the time of approval there was no finantial perspective of Jason CS On the time of approval there was no finantial perspective of Jason CS Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod 1996 Councile approved First strategy document with agreement 1996 Councile approved First strategy document with agreement that the Strategy should be updated on a 5-year basis that the Strategy should be updated on a 5-year basis Purpose of providing the direction and scope of the activities to be Purpose of providing the direction and scope of the activities to be undertaken in the long term for the benefit of Member States undertaken in the long term for the benefit of Member States Council also requested that the document Council also requested that the document be consistent with overall European objectives be consistent with overall European objectives should recognize the respective roles of should recognize the respective roles of - EUMETSAT, - European Space Agency (ESA) - European Union (EU) EUMETSAT Strategy document was done in 2001, 2006 and 2011 EUMETSAT Strategy document was done in 2001, 2006 and 2011 Update of the EUMETSAT Strategy Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod EUMETSAT Secretariat Autumn presented to PAC the roadmap for the planned update Autumn presented to PAC the roadmap for the planned update Spring provided a document highlighting Spring provided a document highlighting the context in which the strategy for the next period should be the context in which the strategy for the next period should be developed developed Transition from a phase of programme preparation to a Transition from a phase of programme preparation to a challenging phase of programme realization challenging phase of programme realization the achievements since the approval of the current strategy in 2011 the achievements since the approval of the current strategy in 2011 a number of elements requiring discussion with Member States a number of elements requiring discussion with Member States before their inclusion in the strategy for the next period, such as before their inclusion in the strategy for the next period, such as - reality and implication of Copernicus - evolution of the WMO Global Observing System (WIGOS) - planned evolution of infrastructure - data services linked to the use of emerging technologies Update of the EUMETSAT Strategy Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod EUMETSAT PAC EUMETSAT PAC 68 th PAC spring first exchange of views 68 th PAC spring first exchange of views 69 th PAC autumn second iteration 69 th PAC autumn second iteration 70 th PAC spring final revision 70 th PAC spring final revision June presentation to Council for approval June presentation to Council for approval Current Strategy adopted in June 2011 Current Strategy adopted in June 2011 “EUMETSAT: a global operational satellite operational agency “EUMETSAT: a global operational satellite operational agency at the heart of Europe” at the heart of Europe” targeted the development of EUMETSAT as targeted the development of EUMETSAT as a global partner a global partner the approval of new programmes the approval of new programmes required to secure the future of monitoring of weather and climate from required to secure the future of monitoring of weather and climate from space in Europe space in Europe Update of the EUMETSAT Strategy Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod The new Strategy The new Strategy “Challenge 2025” “Challenge 2025” aims at further developing EUMETSAT through the realization of its aims at further developing EUMETSAT through the realization of its approved mandatory, optional and the third party programmes approved mandatory, optional and the third party programmes for the benefits of its Member States ant the European Union for the benefits of its Member States ant the European Union The main strategic goal for 2025 is the full and successful The main strategic goal for 2025 is the full and successful implementation of the new implementation of the new MTG, EPS-SG, Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 and Sentinel-4, -5 next generation MTG, EPS-SG, Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 and Sentinel-4, -5 next generation systems systems based on a smooth transition from the current generation, so that the based on a smooth transition from the current generation, so that the continuity and expansion of services delivered to Member states and continuity and expansion of services delivered to Member states and users is secured for one more decades and beyond users is secured for one more decades and beyond This will be implemented in the context of the EMI and global This will be implemented in the context of the EMI and global partnerships involving WMO, EU, ESA and other national space agencies partnerships involving WMO, EU, ESA and other national space agencies Update of the EUMETSAT Strategy Bucharest, Romania, 5 – 6 November 2015
Ivan Čačić cirus. dhz.hr Državni hidrometeorološki zavod Thank you