Friday, February 19 Get out HW, open Google drive, SMT Get blue books from the floor In your journal, TOC Exterior Theorem The Exterior Angle Theroem states that the measure of the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two remote interior angles of the triangle.
Complete pages in your textbooks- solo time; refer to definition that you wrote down (Triangle Sum Theorem and Exterior Angle Threorem).
TOC Congruent Figures Are these two figures congruent? Why or why not? Angles of ABCDAngles of EFGHLine Segment Lengths of ABCD Line Segment Lengths of EFGH
Are these triangles congruent? Why or why not? Angles of ABCAngles of DEFSide lengths of ABCSide lengths of DEF
New Table of Contents Entry Congruent Figures