International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Sébastien Ziegler © September 2014 IPv6, IoT and beyond for Green ICT
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week >40% ENERGY CONSUMPTION >1/3 Greenhouse gas emissions High potential for energy saving but High CAPEX for any structural adaptation Fragmented environment Buildings, climate change and ICT
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Research the potential of IPv6 Develop a highly scalable IPv6-based Service-Oriented Architecture Explore innovative forms of interactions a) Multi-protocol integration b) Mobile & cellular networks c) Cloud computing services (SaaS ) d) RFID & Smart Things Information Service e) Information and intelligence distribution IoT6 project
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week MI-HEPIA testbed Functional areas: - Class rooms - Office spaces - Lobby - Toilets - Technical areas - Data centre
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week MI Smart Office testbed in Geneva Text… Heteroegeneous sensors and actuators + energy metering Functional areas: -Meeting space -Office desks / work stations -Lounge area -Kitchen / Toilets
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Some IoT6 energy saving results Text… Device Marginal cost of device Energy saving per day [kWh] Energy saving per year [kWh] Cost saving per year [€] ROI [%] Coffee machine 270 € % Lightings200 € % Computers (daily cycle) 20 € installation % Heating350 € %
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week IPv6-based multi-protocol integration Text… 7 Universal Device Gateway > 40 communication protocols interoperability through IPv6 Sébastien Ziegler – 2013 © Turn It IPv6
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Hobnet project IPv6 WSN 6LoWAN/CoAP Smart buildings Energy efficiency
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Smart IPv6 Building Turning buildings into smart environments with IPv6 as a universal integrator Sébastien Ziegler – 2013 © SébastienZiegler
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week EAR-IT audio monitoring in smart cities and smart buildings
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week ECIAO To strengthen joint research efforts on the future internet by developing interoperable solutions and common standards. To reinforce academic and industrial cooperation on future internet experimental research, through a better networking between European and Chinese actors. To build a partnership between European and Chinese organisations to foster cooperation in the domain of future internet research experimentation and IPv6. Exchanging good practices for IPv6 deployment and supporting the creation of interconnected IPv6 pilots between Europe and China.
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week MI - BUPT joint pilot
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week MI - BUPT joint pilot
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week IPv6 main benefits Scalability (2 128 addresses) On-going global adoption End-to-end (NAT free) = authentication… Security (IPSec, etc.) IoT compliance (6LoWPAN, CoAP, RPL, 6TiSCH) Cross domains / cross systems integration Mobility Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) Fully Internet and Cloud compliant
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week IoT Lab research project To research the potential of crowdsourcing for the Internet of Things (IoT) and to extend test bed infrastructures for multidisciplinary experiments with more end-user interactions.
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week IoT Lab
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week IoT Lab interconnected projects
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Our proposal to the ITU To organize: A live demonstration of IoT and crowd sourcing technologies A specific session on IoT and crowd sourcing with international research projects at an ITU IoT-JCA or Green ICT meeting between mid 2015 and mid 2016
International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world 4 th ITU Green Standards Week Thank you 非常感谢 Sébastien Ziegler