holiday Выполнила учитель английского языка Мисник Татьяна Владимировна (МАОУ СОШ № 53, город Томск)
Valentine's day is celebrated the 14th february. В church this feast is called the memory of st. Valentine.
Valentine,s Day grows more and more popular in many countries of the world. Some people have already begun to celebrate it in Russia. They try to imitate European Valentine customs and want to know more about their origin. But, as with many customs, the origin of St.Valentine,s Day is a mystery. St.Valentine,s Day is the day when boys and girls, friends and neighbours, husbands and wives, sweethearts and lovers exchange greetings of love and affection.
Good morrow, Valentine, First tis yours, then tis mine, Please to give me a Valentine. Good morning to you, Valentine Curl your locks as I do mine, One before and two behind, Good morning to you,Valentine. I have a little Valentine That someone sent to me. It,s pink and white And red and blue.
The Legend This day is called so thanks to St. Valentine, who was the priest, and he has been sentenced to the death penalty. In the 3-rd century AD the Roman emperor has published the law forbidding the marriages. The legend says that the priest Valentine disobeyed that law and secretly married the couples who love each other.
In a dungeon Valentine treated the daughter of the jailer from blindness. Valentine and the girl fell in love with each other and they communicated by means of notes. Before the execution February, 14th of 270 years Valentine sent her last note and has signed it « From Valentine ». Valentine's ashes have been buried in the church of St. Praksidis in Rome. The gate of the church has the name of "Valentine`s Gate».
In 496 year the Roman daddy Gelasius has declared on February, 14th the Valentine's Day and the sweat hearts of all the world consider as theirs the patron. This holiday has been introduced to England during invasion of Romans into Britain. It began to be accompanied by a secret delivery of the gifts to the beloved. The symbol of this day is the heart and traditionally the couples who love each other send notes in the form of the heart. Addition to any gift is the valentines - cards. All the cards have a signature: "To you, with Love from Valentine", or "With Love from Valentine".
1.Who was Valentine? 2.Why has he been sentenced to the death penalty? 3.How did he help jailor’s daughter? 4. Valentine and jailor’s daughter fell in love with each other, didn’t they? 5. What did he sign in his last note to her?
6. When was Valentine executed? 7. In what year has daddy Gelasius declared the Valentine's Day? 8. What’s the symbol of this holiday? 9. What’s the name of the card which the couples give each other?
Unscramble the words. Evlaniten velo siks rthae comantir iducp fitg esporop teda poluce weteshsrate dark
Answers. Evlaniten – Valentine velo-love siks-kiss rthae – heart comantir – romantic iducp –Cupid fitg – gift esporop – propose teda – date poluce – couple weteshsrate – sweet hearts dark –card
Sayings. Найти русские эквиваленты к английским пословицам. 1) Love of money is the root of all evil. 2) Love laughs at locks myths. 3) Love will find a way. 4) Love me little, love me long. 5) Love me, love my dog. 6) Love is blind. 7) All is fair in love and war. 8) It is love that makes the word go round.
Answers: 1) Сребролюбие – корень всех зол. 2)Любовь не замок не закроешь. 3) Любовь найдёт себе дорогу. 4)Люби меня не сильно, только долго. 5) Любишь меня, люби мою собаку. 6) Любовь слепа. 7) В любви и на войне всё дозволено. 8) Любовь движет миром.
This feast for the lovers.Symbol of this holiday,the postcards in the form of hearts,which are called-valentine.В of these postcards can be written poems and love recognition.А also in this holiday give flowers, candy, toys and balloons.
In America brides give expensive marzipans.В England people greet each other even their pets and give them a colorful valentine.А in Japan receive gifts men from, at what mostly of chocolate.
The song «The Rose» by Bette Midler