The world’s libraries. Connected. Linked Data A View of OCLC’s Strategy Ted Fons Executive Director, Data Services,& WorldCat Quality ALA Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA 23 rd JUNE 2012
The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC, and How we got to Linked Data Linked Data and the future of cataloging Overview
June 19, 2012 Dewey Team Releases All Levels plus captions as Linked Data June 19, 2012 Dewey Team Releases All Levels plus captions as Linked Data April 17, 2012 OCLC proposes ODC-By License at Global Council April 17, 2012 OCLC proposes ODC-By License at Global Council April 15, 2012 OCLC Board of Trustees discusses ODC-BY License April 15, 2012 OCLC Board of Trustees discusses ODC-BY License Sept 2011-Feb 2012 “Team of Experts” Sept 2011-Feb 2012 “Team of Experts” 2009 July 2006 Tim Berners-Lee coins term Linked Data July 2006 Tim Berners-Lee coins term Linked Data March 1995 OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop Dublin Core March 1995 OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop Dublin Core Sept 15, 2009 OCLC Releases Top 3 Levels of Dewey as Linked Data Sept 15, 2009 OCLC Releases Top 3 Levels of Dewey as Linked Data January 1996 PURL Service Introduced January 1996 PURL Service Introduced OCLC Releases + Library markup June 20, 2012 OCLC Releases + Library markup June 20, January 1, 2012 VIAF formally transitions to OCLC January 1, 2012 VIAF formally transitions to OCLC Dec 14, 2011 OCLC Releases FAST as Linked Data Dec 14, 2011 OCLC Releases FAST as Linked Data 2011 May 2010 OCLC Revises VIAF Linked Data FOAF Model May 2010 OCLC Revises VIAF Linked Data FOAF Model 2010 Sept 2009 OCLC Releases VIAF as Linked Data Sept 2009 OCLC Releases VIAF as Linked Data January 1997 OCLC Joins W3C January 1997 OCLC Joins W3C February 1999 RDF W3C Recommendation February 1999 RDF W3C Recommendation Summer-Fall, 2012 Content Negotiated Summer-Fall, 2012 Content Negotiated June 2, 2011 Roy Tennant mentions Million Record Project June 2, 2011 Roy Tennant mentions Million Record Project Summer-Fall, 2012 Downloadable Datasets Summer-Fall, 2012 Downloadable Datasets July 2012 Webinars, Blog Posts, Developer groups July 2012 Webinars, Blog Posts, Developer groups 2013 January, 2013 Publish OCLC’s Linked Data Strategy Whitepaper January, 2013 Publish OCLC’s Linked Data Strategy Whitepaper January, 2013 Publish OCLC work URI January, 2013 Publish OCLC work URI June, 2013 Public release of Consolidated Terminologies Service June, 2013 Public release of Consolidated Terminologies Service 2013 Adoption by Linked Data Hubs 2013 Adoption by Linked Data Hubs 2013 Metadata tools transition to focus on Authority tools 2013 Metadata tools transition to focus on Authority tools HTTP Accept: RDF/XML application/XML text/turtle text/plain (N- triples) application/json
The world’s libraries. Connected. is a collaboration between Bing, Google, Yahoo, and Yandex (Russian search engine). It is an agreed ontology for harvesting structured data from the web that creates efficiencies for the engines and allows sites more control of what is important to publish. What is
The world’s libraries. Connected. Improve SEO position for WorldCat & Libraries Strengthen the WorldShare Platform with a tangible new offering Gain position of authority in data modeling in a post- MARC era Promote internal efficiency and new services by productionizing properly modeled data Why Now?
The world’s libraries. Connected. Lead the library community on the adoption of and gain position of authority with approved extensions to for the library environment. Operate at scale and with a pace of change that is difficult to replicate. Focus on data innovation and service creation. Solidify data modeling and domain architecture for internal efficiency OCLC Objective
The world’s libraries. Connected. How We Got To Linked Data
June 19, 2012 Dewey Team Releases All Levels plus captions as Linked Data June 19, 2012 Dewey Team Releases All Levels plus captions as Linked Data April 17, 2012 OCLC proposes ODC-By License at Global Council April 17, 2012 OCLC proposes ODC-By License at Global Council Sept 2011-Feb 2012 “Team of Experts within OCLC” Sept 2011-Feb 2012 “Team of Experts within OCLC” 2009 July 2006 Tim Berners-Lee coins term Linked Data July 2006 Tim Berners-Lee coins term Linked Data March 1995 OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop Dublin Core March 1995 OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop Dublin Core Sept 15, 2009 OCLC Releases Top 3 Levels of Dewey as Linked Data Sept 15, 2009 OCLC Releases Top 3 Levels of Dewey as Linked Data January 1996 PURL Service Introduced January 1996 PURL Service Introduced OCLC Releases + Library markup June 20, 2012 OCLC Releases + Library markup June 20, January 1, 2012 VIAF formally transitions to OCLC January 1, 2012 VIAF formally transitions to OCLC Dec 14, 2011 OCLC Releases FAST as Linked Data Dec 14, 2011 OCLC Releases FAST as Linked Data 2011 May 2010 OCLC Revises VIAF Linked Data FOAF Model May 2010 OCLC Revises VIAF Linked Data FOAF Model 2010 Sept 2009 OCLC Releases VIAF as Linked Data Sept 2009 OCLC Releases VIAF as Linked Data January 1997 OCLC Joins W3C January 1997 OCLC Joins W3C February 1999 RDF W3C Recommendation February 1999 RDF W3C Recommendation Downloadable Datasets Downloadable Datasets July 2012 Webinars, Blog Posts, Developer groups July 2012 Webinars, Blog Posts, Developer groups 2013 Publish OCLC’s Linked Data Strategy Whitepaper Adoption by Linked Data Hubs Metadata tools transition to focus on Authority tools
The world’s libraries. Connected. Why is it important for OCLC? [craft the elements of the house]
CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by Flickr user danbri
The world’s libraries. Connected. Why is it important for OCLC libraries?
The world’s libraries. Connected. Where can we go from here? (aspirational slide)
The world’s libraries. Connected. Real Browser Plug-in Example
The world’s libraries. Connected. The Future of Cataloging
The world’s libraries. Connected. The impact of Linked Data on metadata management The traditional approach to cataloging supported by a century of professional practice: Description of the physical artifact Limited use of authority files to improve the quality of access points and normalize access Locating the resource in the local catalog context
The world’s libraries. Connected. The impact of Linked Data on metadata management Cataloging in a linked environment: Description of the physical artifact Expanded linking to authority files: Some from the library community Some from the web Locating the resource within a network of useful links.
The world’s libraries. Connected. What a cataloger does today… The impact of Linked Data on metadata management
The world’s libraries. Connected. What linked data allows catalogers to do… The impact of Linked Data on metadata management
The world’s libraries. Connected. What linked data allows catalogers to do… The impact of Linked Data on metadata management
The world’s libraries. Connected. The impact of Linked Data on metadata management
The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC is on the leading edge of linked data research and activities for libraries. Making library resources more available on the wider web will establish libraries as a major hub in the linked data universe. The June 20 release of extensions for is a major step for OCLC members, made possible by experience from previous linked data projects such as VIAF, Dewey Linked Data, FAST and others. Three Main Take Aways
The world’s libraries. Connected. Ted Fons