실험 구성 (DC모터 속도제어) -Matlab xPC Target 이용 안녕하십니까 경희대학교 박주한이라고 합니다. 오늘 발표할 내용은 유연체 모션 시스템, flexible한 시스템의 진동을 억제하기 위한 명령성형 필터의 시간 지연 값 학습에 대해서 입니다. 경희대학교 Robotics.khu.ac.kr
실험구성 실험환경 PCI-6602 Host PC Target PC Serial Port PWM 신호 Encorder Data DC 12V Switching Power Supply Moter Encorder Dc모터 제어모듈
실험구성 DC 모터
실험구성 Encorder A상, B상 : 1회전시 500 펄스 출력
실험구성 DC모터 제어모듈 *정회전/역회전을 가능하게 해주는 H브리지회로 내장 (L298 사용) <정회전> *정회전/역회전을 가능하게 해주는 H브리지회로 내장 (L298 사용) *2개의 모터를 동시에 제어 가능 *PWM신호에 의한 속도제어 가능 <역회전>
실험구성 Switching Power Supply
PCI-6602 (National Instrument) 실험구성 PCI-6602 (National Instrument) * PCI컴퓨터 또는 PXI Compact PCI 컴퓨터용 타이밍 및 디지털 I/O 모듈 * 8개의 32비트 카운터/타이머 * 32개의 TTL/CMOS 호환 디지털 I/O 라인 제공 * 다양한 카운터/타이머 작업 가능 (엔코더 위치 측정, 이벤트 세기, 주기 측정, 펄스 폭 측정, 펄스 생성, 주파 수 측정, 펄스 열 생성 등)
xPC-Target What Is xPC Target? xPC Target is a solution for prototyping, testing, and deploying real-time systems using standard PC hardware. It is an environment that uses a target PC, separate from a host PC, for running real-time applications. xPC Target lets you add I/O blocks to your model and then use the host PC with Real-Time Workshop®, Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder (optional), Stateflow Coder (optional), and a C/C++ compiler to create executable code. The executable code is downloaded from the host PC to the target PC running the xPC Target real-time kernel. After downloading the executable code, you can run and test your target application in real time.
xPC-Target • Hardware requirements • Software requirements — The xPC Target software requires a host PC, target PC, and, for I/O, the target PC must also have I/O boards supported by xPC Target. However, the target PC can be a desktop PC, industrial PC, PC/104, PC/104+, or CompactPCI computer. • Software requirements — The xPC Target software requires either a Microsoft Visual C/C++ compiler (Version 6.0 or 7.1) or an Open Watcom C/C++ compiler (Version 1.3). In addition, xPC Target requires MATLAB, Simulink, and Real-Time Workshop.
<Host PC Requirements> *Software Requirements for the Host PC xPC-Target <Host PC Requirements> *Software Requirements for the Host PC
<Host PC Requirements> xPC-Target <Host PC Requirements> *Hardware Requirements for the Host PC
<Target PC Requirements> xPC-Target <Target PC Requirements> *Softdware Requirements for the Target PC
<Target PC Requirements> xPC-Target <Target PC Requirements> *Harddware Requirements for the Target PC
xPC-Target xPC Target Explorer • Configure the host PC for xPC Target • Add and configure target PCs for xPC Target, up to 64 target PCs • Create boot disks for particular target PCs • Connect the target PCs for your xPC Target system to the host PC • Download a prebuilt target application, DLM, to a target PC • Start and stop the application that has been downloaded to the target • Add scopes of type host, target, and file to the downloaded target application • Monitor signals • Add signals to xPC Target scopes and remove them • Start and stop scopes • Adjust parameter values for the signals while the target application is running
Configuring the xPC Target Host PC (1) MATLAB Command Window : xpcexpl (2) Click Compiler(s) Configuration node. (3) Enter the path (or browse) to the compiler for Compiler Path. ex) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio (4) Click Apply to apply the changes.
xPC-Target Serial Communication Null Model Cable Wiring Before you can create and run a target application, you need to set up the connection between your host and target computers. You can use either serialor network communication. • Null modem cable — Connect the host and target computers with the null modem cable supplied by The MathWorks with the xPC Target software. You can use either the COM1 or COM2 port. • I/O boards — If you use I/O boards on the target PC, you need to install the boards correctly. Null Model Cable Wiring * the wiring for this cable for a 9-pin DB9 connector. A null modem cable that you can use to connect the host and target computers for serial communications.
xPC-Target Serial Communication (1) From the Host target communication list, select RS232. (2) From the Host port list, select either COM1 or COM2 for the connection on the host PC. xPC Target determines the COM port you use on the target PC automatically. (3) From the Baud rate list, select the baud rate for the serial connection between the host PC and this target PC. (1) (2) (3)
xPC-Target Target Boot Disk At the MATLAB Command Window : xpcexplr (2) select a target PC Configuration node. (3) From the Target boot mode list, select a boot disk mode. (4) Click the Create Bootdisk button. (5) Insert a formatted 3.5-inch floppy disk into the host PC disk drive, and then click OK. (6) When the 3.5-inch disk drive stops, remove the 3.5-inch disk. (7) Insert the boot disk into your target PC disk drive and reboot that PC.
Simulink Simulink Model PWM Generator Reference Value (velocity) PID Controller Encorder Data Process
Simulink PWM Generation Prameter setting
Simulink Encorder Data Prameter setting
Simulink Target Scope Prameter setting
Simulink PID Controller Prameter setting
Configuration Parameters Simulink Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameters Simulink Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameters Simulink Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameters Simulink Configuration Parameters
Simulink Build Model (2) (1) (3) Command Window
xPC-Target Start/Stop Simulink xPC-Target Start/Stop 실행 *Start : +tg *Stop : -tg