Prospects for GPD and TMD studies at the JLab Upgrade Volker D. Burkert Jefferson Lab QCDN’06 Workshop, June 12-16, 2006, Rome Introduction JLab Upgrade and CLAS12 GPDs from DVCS and DVMP TMDs from SIDIS and SSA Summary
z y 3-D Scotty x 1-D Scotty x probablity Calcium Water Carbon 2-D Scotty z x GPDs, TMDs & PDFs Deeply Inelastic Scattering, PDFs This Workshop – GPDs, TMDs
Link to the Quark Structure of the Nucleon dxxH q (x, ,t) = H q (t) + 2 D q (t) ∫ 1 dxxE q (x, ,t) = E q (t) - 2 D q (t) ∫ 1 Quark distributions in transverse space, and orbital angular momentum distribution. Distribution of the forces on quarks in transverse space. finite t
JLab Upgrade to 12 GeV EnergyCHL-2 Enhance equipment in existing halls Add new hall 12 GeV Beam polarization P e > 80% E= 2.2, 4.4, 6.6, 8.8, 11 GeV
CLAS12 EC TOF Cerenkov Torus Drift Chambers Cerenkov Central Detector Beamline IEC Design luminosity = cm -2 s -1 Nearly full angle coverage for tracking and n detection High luminosity, cm -2 s -1 Concurrent measurement of deeply virtual exclusive, semi-inclusive, and inclusive processes.
CLAS12 Beamline 5m
CLAS12 – Central Detector Cryostat vacuum jacket Main coil (B 0 = 5T) TOF light-guide Central TOF SiliconTracker Space for e.m. calorimeter Compensation coil
CLAS 12 - Expected Performance Forward DetectorCentral Detector Angular coverage: Tracks (inbending) 8 o - 40 o 40 o o Tracks (outbending) 5 o - 40 o 40 o o Photons 2 o - 40 o 40 o o Track resolution: p (GeV/c) 0.003p p 2 p T =0.03p T (mr) 2.5 GeV/c)8 (1 GeV/c) (mr) 2.5 GeV/c) 2 (1 GeV/c) Photon detection: Energy range > 150 MeV > 60 MeV E/E 0.09(EC)/0.04(IEC) 0.06 (1 GeV) (mr) 4 (1 GeV)15 (1 GeV) Neutron detection: eff 0.5 (EC), 0.1 (TOF)0.04 (TOF) Particle id: e/ >>1000 ( < 5 GeV/c) - >100 ( > 5 GeV/c) - /K (4 ) < 3 GeV/c (TOF)0.65 GeV/c GeV/c (CC) p 5 GeV/c (TOF)1.2 GeV/c GeV/c (CC) K/p( ) < 3.5 GeV/c (TOF)0.9 GeV/c
Deeply Virtual Exclusive Processes - Kinematics Coverage of the 12 GeV Upgrade H1, ZEUS JLab Upgrade 11 GeV H1, ZEUS 12 GeV 11 GeV 27 GeV 200 GeV W = 2 GeV Study of high x B domain requires high luminosity 0.7 HERMES COMPASS
DVCS DVMP GPDs – Flavor separation hard vertices hard gluon Photons cannot separate u/d quark contributions. long. only M = select H, E, for u/d flavors M = , K select H, E
Q 2 > 2.5 GeV 2 Forward Detector Central Detector ep e p Acceptance for DVCS, SIDIS ep e + X x B = 0.35 EC IEC Q2Q2
DVCS/BH- Beam Asymmetry With large acceptance, measure large Q 2, x B, t ranges simultaneously. A(Q 2,x B,t) (Q 2,x B,t) (Q 2,x B,t) E e = 11 GeV A LU
CLAS12 - DVCS/BH- Beam Asymmetry Luminosity = 720fb -1 E e = 11 GeV Q 2 =5.5GeV 2 x B = t = 0.25 GeV 2
CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Beam Asymmetry L = 1x10 35 T = 2000 hrs Q 2 = 1 GeV 2 x = 0.05 E = 11 GeV Selected Kinematics LU ~sin Im{F 1 H +. }d e p ep
GPD H from projected DVCS A LU data b val =b sea =1 MRST02 NNLO distribution Q 2 =3.5 GeV 2 Other kinematics measured concurrently
CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Target Asymmetry e p ep Longitudinally polarized target ~sin Im{F 1 H + (F 1 +F 2 ) H... }d ~ E = 11 GeV L = 2x10 35 cm -2 s -1 T = 1000 hrs Q 2 = 1GeV 2 x = 0.05 Provide precision measurements of polarized GPD
CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Target Asymmetry Asymmetries highly sensitive to the u-quark contributions to the proton spin. Transverse polarized target e p ep ~ sin Im{k 1 (F 2 H – F 1 E) +…}d Q 2 =2.2 GeV 2, x B = 0.25, -t = 0.5GeV 2 E = 11 GeV Sample kinematics A UTx Target polarization in the scattering plane A UTy Target polarization perpendicular to the scattering plane
CLAS12 – L/T Separation ep ep LL TT x B = t = GeV 2 Other bins measured concurrently Projections for 11 GeV (sample kinematics) Test of Bjorken scaling Power corrections?
Exclusive production on transverse target A ~ 2H u + H d B ~ 2E u + E d 00 K. Goeke, M.V. Polyakov, M. Vanderhaeghen, 2001 Q 2 =5 GeV 2 E u, E d probes the orbital motion of quarks. 00 B A ~ H u - H d B ~ E u - E d ++ 2 (Im(AB*))/ T t/4m 2 ) - Re UT
W p u (x,k,r) “Parent” Wigner distributions d2kTd2kT (FT) GPDs: H p u (x, ,t), E p u (x, ,t),… GPD Measure momentum transfer to nucleon. Probability to find a quark u in a nucleon P with a certain polarization in a position r and momentum k TMD PDFs: f p u (x,k T ),g 1,f ┴ 1T, h ┴ 1L d3rd3r Measure momentum transfer to quark. TMD Transverse Momentum Dependent PDFs (TMDs)
SIDIS at leading twist e e e p p Sivers transversity Mulders Boer Off-diagonal PDFs vanish if quarks only in s-state! In addition T- odd PDFs require FSI (Brodsky et al., Collins, Ji et al. 2002)
SIDIS Azimuthal Asymmetry - Sivers effect Probes orbital angular momentum of quarks by measuring the imaginary part of s-p-wave interference in the amplitude. Hadrons from struck quark have the same sign SSA Opposite effect in target fragmentation T (P /M)A UT sin s ) T
CLAS12 - Sivers function from A UT ( 0 ) F 1T =∑ q e q 2 f 1T ┴q In large Nc limit: f 1T u = -f 1T d Efremov et al (large x B behavior of f 1T from GPD E) xBxB xBxB CLAS12 projected CLAS12 projected
Sivers effect in the target fragmentation x F <0 (target fragmentation) x F >0 (current fragmentation) x F - momentum in the CM frame Wide kinematic coverage of CLAS12 allows studies of hadronization in the target fragmentation region
Azimuthal Asymmetry - Collins Effect UT ~ k h 1 H 1 sin s ) T Access to transversity distribution and fragmentation of polarized quarks Unfavored SSA with opposite sign No effect in target fragmentation
June 2006 Annual Review of Project Progress August 2006 JLab PAC 30 –First review of 12 GeV proposals – “first 5 years of experiments” –Key first step in identifying the research interests and significant contributions of international and other non-DOE collaborators October 2006 – start Project Engineering & Design (PED) 12 GeV is on track for Construction Approval in Sept GeV Upgrade - Milestones
Summary The JLab 12 GeV Upgrade is essential for the study of nucleon structure in the valence region with high precision: - deeply virtual exclusive processes (DVCS, DVMP) - semi-inclusive meson production with polarized beam and polarized targets Provide new and deeper insight into - quark orbital angular momentum contributions to the nucleon spin - 3D structure of the nucleon’s interior and correlations - quark flavor polarization - ….. CLAS12 will be world wide the only full acceptance, general purpose detector for high luminosity electron scattering experiments, and is essential for the GPD/TMD program.
New Collaborators are welcome!
Additional Slides
JLab Upgrade - CLAS12 Central Detector Forward Detector Luminosity > cm -2 s -1 Tracking - Drift Chambers, SVT Particle id - /K/p ToF, - Cerenkov’s - Calorimetry
Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Conceptual Design (CDR) Research and Development (R&D) 2006 Advanced Conceptual Design (ACD) Project Engineering & Design (PED) 2008 Long Lead Procurement Construction Pre-Ops (beam commissioning) 12 GeV Upgrade: Project Critical Decision (CD)CD-1 Documents CD-0 Mission Need2QFY04 (Actual) CD-1 Preliminary Baseline Range2QFY06(Actual) CD-2A/3A Construction and Performance Baseline of Long Lead Items 4QFY06/3QFY07 CD-2B Performance Baseline4QFY07 CD-3B Start of Construction4QFY08 CD-4 Start of Operations1QFY14 NOTE – schedule shown per Feb 2006 CD-1 Documents, new funding profile received in April, update of project plan in progress Critical Decision–1 Approval in February GeV Upgrade included in DOE 5-Year Business Plan in March 2006
Operated by Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy Near Term: June 2006 Annual Review of Project Progress —Focus on progress in last year, and plans for CD-2B Performance Baseline review next year —CD-2B Approval anticipated for September 2007 August 2006 JLab PAC 30 —First review of 12 GeV proposals – “commissioning experiments” —Spokespersons make commitments to construction of equipment —Key first step in identifying the research interests and significant contributions of international and other non-DOE collaborators October 2006 – start Project Engineering & Design (PED) 12 GeV is on track for CD-2 in Sept 2007 and CD-3 in Sept GeV Upgrade: Status
Originates in the quark distribution. It is measured in the azimuthal asymmetry with transverse polarized target. Requires: non-trivial phase from the FSI + interference between different helicity states (S. Brodsky) Azimuthal Asymmetry – Sivers Effect f 1T D 1 A UT ~ k sin s ) T
Collins Effect and Kotzinian-Mulders Asymmetry Measures the Collins fragmentation with longitudinally polarized target. Access to the real part of s-p wave interference amplitudes. UL ~ k h 1L H 1 KM TT
Collins Effect and Kotzinian-Mulders Asymmetry Measures the Collins fragmentation with longitudinally polarized target. Access to the real part of s-p wave interference amplitudes. UL ~ (1-y) h 1L H 1 KM TT
` CLAS12 - (1115) Polarization ep e (p X (SIDIS) K * (892)K E = 11 GeV
polarization in the target fragmentation p e Λ 1 2 e’