Creating Order Out of Chaos
Beginning of the Scientific Revolution Developed out of advances in math and science during late 1500s and early 1600s After the “Age of Exploration,” new ideas and truths challenged previous thought processes and studies. Conflict arose between scientific research and Catholic Church doctrine
Astronomy Debate over geocentric (Earth-centered) or heliocentric (Sun- centered) universe Advocated heliocentric universe: Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Galileo Expanded heliocentric universe theory: Kepler – elliptical orbits Michał Sulczyński
Francis Bacon Developed the scientific method Based on observation and experimentation Testable hypothesis Sir Francis Bacon
Isaac Newton Used the scientific method to make a range of discoveries Developed Calculus Key ideas: Laws of Motion Laws of Inertia Laws of Gravity Sir Isaac Newton
Science vs. the Church Prior to Scientific Revolution, the Catholic Church was the authority for society. Publication of new scientific books challenged the Bible and Church teachings. The Church’s political, social, and economic authority were brought into question
Science vs. the Church Consequences of controversy Galileo forced to recant his teachings and excommunicated from the Church Galileo Some scientists did not publish until after their death
Galileo Galileo “Galileo”Galileo “Galileo’s head was on the block. His crime was looking up the truth.” The song starts, “Galileo’s head was on the block. His crime was looking up the truth.” Given what you know about Galileo and the Scientific Revolution, explain the meaning of that line.