We are the church not bricks and mortar
THE ESSENTIALS These are the required form in the church which the Bible instructs us to do. They are not optional. They include the proclamation of the gospel, teaching the Body the Word and caring for one another.
THE FREEDOM Freedom: These have to do with how the church applies the form in any given culture at any particular time. These are optional and flexible. They include the use of the organ, the weekly bulletin or the architectural design of the church building.
ESSENTIAL #1 – PROCLAIM THE WORD OF GOD I Tim. 3:15 – The Church of the living God is the pillar and support of truth
II Tim. 4:1-2 – The Church is to “preach the word” Preach means to proclaim or herald divine truth. It carries the attitude of “in your face.” That is, God is speaking, you better be listening.
DANGER, WILL ROBINSON When data is presented without Biblical support and context When data is presented without Biblical support and context
I Tim. 4:13 – The three- fold mission of communicating the Bible: Read the Bible Read the Bible Exhort – Apply the Bible Exhort – Apply the Bible Teach – Explain the Bible Teach – Explain the Bible
Methods of presenting the Bible: Expository - Book by book, Expository - Book by book, chapter by chapter and chapter by chapter and verse by verse verse by verse Topical Topical Inductive Inductive
Do we have any pictures of what the early church did on Sunday when they taught? Yes! Acts 2:41-42 Acts 2:41-42 Acts 20:7-12 Acts 20:7-12 Paul “prolonged his message until midnight.”
ESSENTIAL #2 – EDIFICATION Eph. 4:11-16 – The Church is to build mature Christians. Hence, the Church is a spiritual fitness center
ESSENTIAL #3 – THE EXERCISE OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS I Pet. 4:10 – Each believer I Pet. 4:10 – Each believer to “employ” their gift to “employ” their gift I Cor. 14:12 – Purpose of I Cor. 14:12 – Purpose of gifts for edification gifts for edification I Thess. 5:19-20 – Danger of I Thess. 5:19-20 – Danger of throwing out baby with the throwing out baby with the bath water bath water
ESSENTIAL #4 – KOINONIA FELLOWSHIP Philemon 6 - Koinonia Philemon 6 - Koinonia Heb. 10:24-25 – Our call Heb. 10:24-25 – Our call is to connect with the is to connect with the body on a level of body on a level of spiritual intimacy spiritual intimacy The Allelons (all-lay-lone) The Allelons (all-lay-lone)
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon John 13:14 Wash one another’s feet
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon John 13:34-35 Love one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Romans 12:10 Honor one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Romans 14:13 Do not judge one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Romans 14:19 Build up one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Romans 15:7 Accept one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Romans 15:14 Admonish one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon I Cor. 12:25 Have the same care for one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Galatians 5:13 Serve one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Ephesians 4:32 Kind to one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Ephesians 5:21 Be subject to one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Philippians 2:3 Regard one another as more important
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Colossians 3:13 Forgive one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon I Thessalonians 4:18 Comfort one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon I Thessalonians 5:11 Encourage one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon Hebrews 10:24 Stimulate one another to love and good deeds
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon James 5:16 Confess to one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon James 5:16 Pray for one another
The “One Anothers” Greek Allelon I Pet. 4:9 Be hospitable to one another
ESSENTIAL #5 – SHEPHERDING Heb. 13:17 – Description Leaders are to watch over Leaders are to watch over Believers are to obey and Believers are to obey and submit submit
This is not the Church, you are.