The Thessalonian Correspondence October 18, 2015 Through the Bible in a Year Xavier Reyna, Director Ben Compere, Editor Wayman Lim, Director Wayman Lim.


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Presentation transcript:

The Thessalonian Correspondence October 18, 2015 Through the Bible in a Year Xavier Reyna, Director Ben Compere, Editor Wayman Lim, Director Wayman Lim Singers Susan Turner, Prayer Warrior “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18 Eschatological Encouragement

Paul Wrote to the Thessalonians to Encourage Them by correcting their misconceptions about the Lord’s second coming to remind them that his coming means salvation for them and judgment for their persecutors Lesson Object “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18

Eschatology is the Doctrine of the “Last Things” 1.Return of Jesus Christ 2.Final judgment “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18 Eschatology In Thessalonians Paul focuses on two aspects of eschatology:

Thessalonians: A Summary Summary “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18 “Paul exhorts a young church beset by persistent persecution to holy living with the encouragement that the coming of the Lord is their salvation and their enemies’ judgment.”

The Thessalonians’ Eschatological Misconceptions 1 Thessalonians Those who have died miss the coming of the Lord. 2 Thessalonians The ‘day of the Lord’ has already come. “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18 Analysis

Biblical Hope is Certain: Worldly Hope is a Desire “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18 HopeBiblicalWorldly DefinitionA joyful and confident expectation A desire that something you want will happen BasisThe acts of GodThe wishes of men Analysis

Main Theme in Thessalonians : “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” I Thess 4:18 Themes Eschatological encouragement.

Eschatology: Use It; Don’t Abuse It To encourage holy livingTo predict the time of Christ’s return To name the Anti-Christ To make a particular eschatological scheme a test of fellowship or a condition for salvation A preoccupation to the exclusion of other doctrine Use It Don’t Abuse It Application “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,… encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” II Thess 2:16,17

The Four Eschatological Positions Held by Believers 1.Dispensational pre-millennialism 2.Historic pre-millennialism 3.Amillennnialism 4.Postmillennialism “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,… encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” II Thess 2:16,17 Application

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,… encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” II Thess 2:16,17 Common Aspects of Christ’s Return Christ will return He will judge the world –Salvation for believers –Wrath for his enemies The time of his coming is unknown Application