John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director
AoD - All services except Prevention 3793: Treatment Services No changes to current eligible providers/supervisors MH - All Services in paragraph (A) Eligible Providers and Supervisors Employment Services rule contains additional info on qualified providers Health Home rule contains eligible providers Prevention (Both MH and AoD) Eligible Providers and Supervisors
(A) Appendix A to this rule defines and appendix B to this rule identifies those individuals who are eligible to provide and supervise the following mental health and addiction services as described in Chapter of the Administrative Code, providers of alcohol and other drug services not listed in this rule may be subject to the provisons [sic] of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code:3793:2-1-08
(A) Appendix A to this rule defines and appendix B to this rule identifies those individuals who are eligible to provide and supervise the following mental health and addiction services as described in Chapter of the Administrative Code, providers of alcohol and other drug services not listed in this rule may be subject to the provisons [sic] of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code:3793: (1) Behavioral health counseling and therapy service; (2) Mental health assessment service; (3) Pharmacologic management service; (4) Partial hospitalization service; (5) Forensic evaluation service; (6) Behavioral health hotline service; (7) Crisis intervention mental health service, including paragraph (C)(1) of rule of the Administrative Code;
(A) Appendix A to this rule defines and appendix B to this rule identifies those individuals who are eligible to provide and supervise the following mental health and addiction services as described in Chapter of the Administrative Code, providers of alcohol and other drug services not listed in this rule may be subject to the provisons [sic] of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code:3793: (8) Employment/vocational service; (9) Adult educational service; (10) Social and recreational service; (11) Community psychiatric supportive treatment (CPST) service; (12) Consultation service; (13) Prevention service; (14) Mental health education service; (15) Adjunctive therapy service;
(A) Appendix A to this rule defines and appendix B to this rule identifies those individuals who are eligible to provide and supervise the following mental health and addiction services as described in Chapter of the Administrative Code, providers of alcohol and other drug services not listed in this rule may be subject to the provisons [sic] of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code:3793: (16) Occupational therapy service; (17) School psychology service; (18) Intensive home based treatment (IHBT) service; and (19) Assertive community treatment (ACT) service.
(B) Licensed, certified or registered individuals shall comply with current, applicable scope of practice and supervisory requirements identified by appropriate licensing, certifying or registering bodies.
(B) Appendix B to this rule contains a supplement which describes additional provider and supervisory requirements for the following individuals: (1) Aide (Aide); (2) Psychology aide (PSY Aide); (3) Psychology fellow (PF); (4) Psychology intern (PI); (5) Psychology postdoctoral trainee (PPT); (6) Psychology resident (PR); (7) Psychology trainee (PT); (8) School psychology intern (S. PSY I.); (9) School psychology trainee (S. PSY T.); (10) Social worker (SW); and (11) Social worker assistant (SWA).
(A) Appendix A to this rule defines and appendix B to this rule identifies those individuals who are eligible to provide and supervise the following mental health and addiction services as described in Chapter of the Administrative Code, providers of alcohol and other drug services not listed in this rule may be subject to the provisons [sic] of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code:3793:2-1-08
Defines AoD TREATMENT services Describes eligible providers and supervisors
Not all qualified providers and supervisors are included in the following slides. Please see rule for complete list.
(BB) A physician, clinical nurse specialist or certified nurse practitioner who is licensed by the state of Ohio medical board and has demonstrated experience and/or training in substance use disorder treatment can supervise and provide the following treatment services: (1) Crisis intervention. (2) Case management. (3) Assessment, including diagnosis pursuant to the Revised Code. (4) Individual counseling. (5) Group counseling. (6) Family counseling
(BB) A physician, clinical nurse specialist or certified nurse practitioner who is licensed by the state of Ohio medical board and has demonstrated experience and/or training in substance use disorder treatment can supervise and provide the following treatment services: (7) Intensive outpatient services. (8) Ordering urinalysis/lab analysis. (9) Medical community residential services. (10) Non-medical community residential services. (11) Medical/somatic services. (12) Opioid agonist administration. (13) Twenty-three-hour observation bed services. (14) Ambulatory detoxification services. (15) Sub-acute detoxification services. (16) Acute hospital detoxification services. (17) Consultation.
(BB) A physician, clinical nurse specialist or certified nurse practitioner who is licensed by the state of Ohio medical board and has demonstrated experience and/or training in substance use disorder treatment can supervise and provide the following treatment services: (18) Referral and information. (19) Intervention. (20) Hotline. (21) Training. (22) Outreach. (23) Adjunctive alcohol and drug services. (24) Medication assisted treatment as defined in paragraph (BB) of this rule.
(CC) A psychologist who is licensed by the state of Ohio board of psychology and has demonstrated competence in substance use disorder treatment can supervise (except twenty-three hour observation bed) and provide the following treatment services: (3) Assessment, including diagnosis pursuant to the Revised Code. (8) Requesting urinalysis/lab analysis. (11) Twenty-three-hour observation bed services (may provide but not supervise).
(DD) A psychology assistant who is practicing under the supervision of a psychologist licensed by the state of Ohio board of psychology and has demonstrated competence in substance use disorder treatment can provide the following treatment services: (3) Assessment, excluding diagnosis pursuant to the Revised Code.
(FF) A professional counselor licensed by the state of Ohio counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist board and whose professional disclosure statement includes substance abuse assessment and counseling can provide the following treatment services:
(KK) A chemical dependency counselor assistant may do the following as they relate to abuse of or dependency on alcohol and other drugs. These tasks may only be performed while under the supervision of one of those individuals designated in paragraph (K) of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code.3793: 3793: is being rescinded April 1, 2016 3793: (K) “Individuals qualified to be alcohol and drug treatment services supervisors pursuant to rule 3793: of the Administrative Code…”
(LL) A certified chemical dependency counselor II or licensed chemical dependency counselor II credentialed by the Ohio chemical dependency professionals board can provide the following treatment services as they relate to abuse of and dependency on alcohol and other drugs:
(MM) A licensed chemical dependency counselor III licensed by the Ohio chemical dependency professionals board can provide, and may supervise (except for diagnosis and twenty-three hour observation bed), while under the supervision of one of the individuals in paragraph (K) of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code, the following treatment services as they relate to abuse of and dependency on alcohol and other drugs:3793:2-1-05
(OO) A nurse registered with the Ohio board of nursing who has demonstrated experience and/or education in substance use disorder treatment can supervise and provide the following treatment services:
(UU) Students enrolled in an accredited educational institution in Ohio performing an internship or field placement and supervised by an individual qualified to be an alcohol and drug treatment services supervisor pursuant to paragraph (J) of rule 3793: of the Administrative Code can provide the following treatment services:3793:2-1-05
Physician Psychologist Professional Clinical Counselor, Licensed Independent Social Worker, Licensed Independent Marriage and Family Therapist o With declared scope of practice in substance abuse assessment, counseling and supervision Registered Nurse o With demonstrated experience and/or education in substance use disorder treatment Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor
(WW) Individuals who possess one or more of the following credentials can dispense opioid agonist and other medications: (1) Physician who is licensed by the state of Ohio medical board. (2) Pharmacist who is registered with the state of Ohio board of pharmacy.
(XX) Providers of medical/somatic, twenty-three- hour observation bed, ambulatory detoxification, sub-acute detoxification and acute hospital detoxification shall be supervised by individuals who have one of the following credentials: (1) Physician who is licensed by the state of Ohio medical board. (2) Nurse who is registered with the Ohio board of nursing.
(YY) A care management specialist (CMS) is an individual who has received training for or education in alcohol and other drug addiction, abuse, and recovery and who has demonstrated, prior to or within ninety days of hire, competencies in fundamental alcohol and other drug addiction, abuse, and recovery. Fundamental competencies shall include, at a minimum, an understanding of alcohol and other drug treatment and recovery, how to engage a person in treatment and recovery and an understanding of other healthcare systems, social service systems and the criminal justice system.
CONTINUED (YY) A CMS is an individual who is not otherwise designated as a provider or supervisor under this rule, and who is not required to perform duties covered under the scope of practice according to Ohio professional licensure. A CMS must be supervised by an individual qualified to be an alcohol and drug treatment services supervisor pursuant to this rule. A CMS may provide the following treatment services: Case management.
See rule for list of all qualified providers of substance use disorder treatment services, and the services for which each is qualified to supervise and/or provide.
1.Add IMFT Trainee as eligible provider of MH Services 2.Remove “Activity Therapist” and “Trained Other” a)Same definition as Qualified Mental Health Specialist 3.Update list of eligible prevention providers
Individuals registered by the Ohio Board of Psychology e.g. Aide, Psychology Assistant, etc. LPN National Board Registered/Certified Board Certified Music Therapist, Art Therapist, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board Licensed Treatment providers e.g. LCDC III, LICDC, etc.
Counselor or Social Worker Trainee Marriage and Family Therapist (all) Qualified Mental Health Specialist (QMHS) Occupational Therapist & OT Assistant School Educator and/or Counselor
Professional Counselor, including Provisional Provisional Professional Clinical Counselor Social Worker, including Temporary Temporary Independent Social Worker
Dare Officer (provide only) School Resource Officer (provide only) Master Certified Health Education Specialist (provide and supervise)
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Your agency lead surveyor or a supervisor Rob Nugen, Supervisor, Licensure and Certification Denise Cole, Supervisor, Licensure and Certification Janel M. Pequignot, Chief, Licensure & Certification Howard Henry, Staff Attorney & Rules (for questions or comments about rules filings, rules process)