Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Chapter 13 Ethical Issues in Community Work
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Four Facets of Comprehensive Community Counseling Programs 1. Direct community services –preventive education 2. Indirect community service –influencing policymakers 3. Direct client services –focuses on outreach activities 4. Indirect client services –client advocacy Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (1)
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Social Justice Perspective The SJP rests on the assumption that all people have a right to equitable treatment and a fair allocation of societal resources, including decision making. Some of the ethics codes refer to the role of social justice advocacy as an ethical mandate. The goal of counseling is to promote the empowerment of people who are marginalized and oppressed in our society. To translate this paradigm shift into one’s actual counseling practice, it is necessary to acquire a set of social justice and advocacy competencies. Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (2)
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Advocacy Competencies Practitioners serve their clientele at three levels of advocacy intervention: 1. the individual client/student level 2. the community/school level 3. the public/societal level Within each of these levels, counselors act with and on behalf of their clients and others in their clients’ environments. Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (3)
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Alternative Counselor Roles Change agent ConsultantAdviserAdvocate Facilitator of indigenous support systems Facilitator of indigenous healing systems Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (4)
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Community Counseling Practitioner Duties involve: –Ability to support community needs –Develop partnerships in creation and delivery of services –Promote community organization and development of activities –Outreach –Develop strategies to empower the community Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (5)
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Community Counseling Practitioner Duties involve: –Influencing policymakers –Consultation with community agencies –Evaluating human-services programs –Advocate and assist with initiatives –Develop and build community assets Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (6)
Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Relationships Between Counselor and the Agency Counselors who are dissatisfied with an agency or the system may decide to: –subvert it any way they can. –conform to institutional policies out of fear. –make compromises between institutional demands and personal requirements. –leave the agency. Issues and Ethics - Chapter 13 (7)