objectives To understand what is meant by global warming To appreciate some effects of global warming To consider what we can all do to help reduce carbon dioxide emmisions
Global warming Global warming is primarily induced by human activities-burning of fossil fuels producing greenhouse gases Atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases are at their highest values in 650,000 years
Over 85% of the world`s energy supply is carbon based Coal-24% Natural gas-24% Crude oil and natural gas liquids-38% Hydro, nuclear, geothermal,renewables-14%
Pre-industrial level of carbon dioxide=280ppm An increase of 500ppm is estimated to cause mean global Temperature to increase by 3 degrees centigrade plus/minus 1 degree C
Effects of global warming Melting of ice caps-rising sea level Melting glaciers Changing currents More extreme weather events
What can we do? Renewable energy sources Home insulation Recycling Use public transport Plant more trees